Remain Unfazed in Haze

Singapore gets terrible haze…especially in the drier seasons…as a result of burning forests in Indonesia…

Haze brings smoke and pollution with it. The intensity of the haze is measured in terms of PSI and PM2.5. While PSI (Pollution Standards Index) is a scale to interpret overall hazy conditions, PM2.5 indicates the Particulate Matter that is tiny in size 2.5 micrometers in diameter. This particulate matter consists of dust, soot, dirt etc.
In 2013, PSI had reached at 401. Fortunately, that time I was on vacation in India so didn’t really “experienced” it..But it came back again with the same intensity in 2015..
Otherwise fresh and better air quality of Singapore suddenly started going topsy-turvy..PSI started to raise and reached staggering 300-350 hazardous level some days back!
Wow! Never thought that it can happen in Singapore…watery eyes, sore throat and constant smell of burning woods was getting unbearable.
When we couldn’t even see the nearby buildings due to dense haze, we decided enough was enough and put our 7-point system urgently in place to combat haze. The enemy was powerful and it was only possible to defend ourselves somehow from it.
Here is my 7-point “HazeGuard” system to “bachao” my family from haze –
1. Get air purifier at the earliest. There are many brands available in the market. Confirm whether it has HEPA filter to trap harmful particles such as pollen, dust mites, smoke and Haze mode and go for it. Also, know about other details like how much area it covers and so on. In fact, if you need to cover more area then buy 2-3 pieces. It is worth-investing!!

(c) Singapore Desi

I bought Sharp Air Purifier and am not complaining. It was on promotion in Gain City Megastore @ Sungei Kadut. Comes with a warranty.

Once you bring air purifier home, set it up, switch on then you will feel the difference immediately – no smell and pure air.

(c) Singapore Desi
(c) Singapore Desi

2. Close all windows. Just keep little bit of them open if you want. Let not polluted air enter your home from any of the sides.

3. Start air-con + fans in all rooms. Step 1, 2 and 3 do together!!

4. Avoid outdoors as much as possible. If you at all have to go outside, use mask preferably N95 Respirators. In fact, I would suggest to stock up a few for emergency purposes. Again, so many options are available at our friendly Watsons / Guardian. Choose the one that suits you.

It gets very troublesome for kids to stay at home in this period. I mean, they cannot go the playgrounds at all. 🙁 But this can also be a blessing in disguise. Imagine – kids, hubby and you relaxing nicely in air conditioned, air purified environment, talking some sweet little nothings, doing creative stuff with clay or paints, watching nice movie or playing a game or two of UNO – sheer bliss!!

5. Drink lots of water, juices, smoothies and eat lots of leafy vegetables and fruits. Keep yourself thoroughly hydrated. In fact, I avoid cooking food that involves hard-core frying or use of hot spices. Already, so much smoke outside..why to add some more? 🙂

(c) Singapore Desi

6. Use saline eye drops to keep eyes free of minor infections. For kids and other sensitive age groups, do ensure that they do not skip any of their regular medicines. Even after haze is gone, continue monitoring for its long-term ill-effects.

7. Keep an eye on air quality index, PSI and PM2.5 ratings regularly.

Do you do any other things than above? Do share some tips with me by dropping an email on

Take care and try to remain unfazed in haze.

(for RainbowDiaries)

1 thought on “Remain Unfazed in Haze”

  1. Pingback: Protect your Loved ones from the dreaded haze with Air+ Smart Mask – RainbowDiaries – Colors of Life

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