Guest Post by a 10-year old: The World Beyond the Woods

In Singapore, CA1 exams are over. My daughter decided to write a short story for RainbowDiaries. She insisted to create her own illustrations for the story too. So here you go…the article that I publish without any edits…As is written by her – fluid, vibrant, a bit haywire in imagination!


The World Beyond the Woods

Dawn broke out in the cozy village of Jack. Rays of sunlight shone into his room lighting it up. Jack opened his eyes happily. He went down and bid his mother goodbye running out of the front door. Like usual he went out and set out onto the trail to get berries for the mum. It was late autumn and it was chilly outside. ‘It is cold outside. I should have brought my jacket’ he murmured to himself sighing. After a while Jack saw the forest as beautiful as ever.

He went in it not knowing it was dark inside. He set further and further into the forest. Lo and behold he saw a door. Curiosity engulfed him and as he crept closer and closer. He saw that there were intricate carvings carved onto the door and it seemed that they depicted something.

On the door it was carved that “One who is brave, kind, honest, and intellectual shall pass. Find these four elements rock, fire, water, and earth. Good luck.”


As soon as Jack read this he ran and searched in every nook and corner of the forest. He ran back to the door and successfully opened it. As soon as it opened he went in.  As soon as he went in a grand voice said ‘Well done Jack we have been expecting you’. As he showed himself to Jack, Jack became even more bewildered. He was a male alicorn. He happily said ‘welcome to Siora’. He told Jack his name and it was Sombra.
Sombra told Jack a few things about Siora. The most important thing was that it was full of all kinds of mythical creatures. Jack walked around there feeling glad and told Sombra that he needed to leave because it was getting dark and he needed to go home. 

The next day he went back and the next and he went there every day until his mother found out about it. They argued but in the end Jack’s mother agreed to let him go there. So he went there until he became older. He got married and had kids and showed them Siora.
Going to that forest became a way of life for them. Time passed and days flew and he became a grandpa. On Jack’s deathbed, his last wish was to show the next generation of his family the magical door and with that he died peacefully.
If you are lucky you might stumble into a forest to see a door and if you do keep it a secret .Sombra is still alive. He is happy and well and so are those mythical creatures. But that is a story for another time.
Note: the post is by a kid blogger and ideas, illustrations solely belong to her.

38 thoughts on “Guest Post by a 10-year old: The World Beyond the Woods”

  1. Pingback: Sara – our Guest Writer and her awesome recipe of Pasta in White Sauce – RainbowDiaries – Colors of Life

  2. Wow! Your girl is so art talented 🙂 do encourage her to draw more and more 🙂 am sure she will grow up as a great artist 🙂 cheers, SiennyLovesDrawing

  3. Congratulations on your blog post. You did such an amazing job! You should definitely be a regular on this blog. It's great practice for you. My little brother started blogging when he was 10 as well. He has over 100 posts now. Keep it up. You did an amazing job!

  4. That is one very talented 10-year old. I can imagine that he reads a lot and from his books he gets his inspiration for this story and his artwork. Impressive!

  5. Is that from your daughter?? She is brilliant… Reminds me of me when I was a kid… LOL… but well, I was just a book worm and loved to write fantastical stories that got nowhere…

  6. how i wish my son can be well train with eng . but most of my family member are chat in mandarin. i should put more effort on it .

  7. Kids lets their immagination run wild. Its very beautiful and fascinating with the ideas that kids comes out with.

  8. Amazing story! I wouldn't have thought that a 10-year old wrote this if you didn't mention it. She has such a broad imagination, it's very astonishing! Her vocabulary is brilliant as well.

  9. 10 year old!!! Wow. It's amazing to see such story and illustration from a 10 year old!! I was still drawing stick figures at 10 year old!!

  10. Wow! A 10 year old kid? Really? She is a good writer and illustrator, she had this great imagination that convey people. Hope you can help her in her journey.

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