What #Covid19 has taught me so far?

7 things that #covid19 has taught me so far…and it’s my #selfmusing  #originalcontent

❤️ You are allowed to PLAN but don’t expect that EVERYTHING will happen according to it.

? HOME is where YOUR HEART should be and BODY too. #stayhomeforsg

? Comfort Zones need to SHATTERED and you should be ready to change its definition.

? Come out of your superficial WORLD and LOOK around. There’s so much that you have no idea about.

? Take EACH day at a time and BE GRATEFUL for what you have.

? You can live without shopping, junk eating and travelling but NOT without good health. #safehands

? Pressing Pause and Reset button is NOT just for gadgets. It’s for US too.

Talking about good health and personal hygiene, I guess am going to continue some good habits even after #coronatime  is over… like wearing mask religiously when unwell, cleansing hands regularly, not touching surfaces and touching face and so on.

What’s Covid-19 has taught you? Do share.

#covid19 #rainbowdiaries #weallareinthistogether #thistooshallpass #coronavirus  #personalhygiene #handsanitizer #sanitizer #lovelife #livelifecolorfully #circuitbreakersg #homedecor #lockdown #lockdown2020

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12 thoughts on “What #Covid19 has taught me so far?”

  1. I agree to all of the above. I use the lockdown period to indulge more in nature. I feel lucky to be in Sindhudurg, a coastal area but no access to beach as of now. However, we have beautiful different daily visitors like Indian Cormorant, Bulbul, Green-Bee Eaters and the Blue Kingfisher ?

  2. Loved reading through these valuable words. A lot if Self reflection & introspection happened in these times & we surely learnt we make a huge fuss whereas we don’t need so much to live a good life. So we can pause fir greater joys of life.

  3. Great lessons. This lockdown time has taught all of us something. I agree with all the lessons you shared especially to be grateful.

  4. Well I learnt in this situation that we should not take things for granted and should be thankful for everything.

  5. Coronavirus taught us to be self-reliant. It started appreciating the things you do have, like your health mentally and physically, your family, friends and just the fact you woke up happy and alive. Great thoughts.

  6. Covid has taught me to be thankful of basic things needed for survival, which otherwise we tend to overlook.

  7. Sandy N Vyjay

    Time is the best teacher, and the times we live in have taught us so much in so less time. One of the major lessons for us is that one ‘s needs are really minimal.

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