Once a mom, always a mom! The moment a child is born, Mother is also born as they say. Those of you who are moms will agree with the fact that the whole process is as complicated as it can get. Raising a new human being and embracing the sudden changes in your own body and mind is something really humongous and sorry but men can’t even imagine.
When a lady becomes a Mom, she becomes super duper busy with infinite number of tasks physically and mentally. Her world revolves around her kid 24×7 365 days a year. Kids growth, health, food, school, studies, play and all that comes in-between. Not to forget there is hubby dearest and home that she has to take care of. I m feeling tired even while writing this and we moms do it every single day – whether working or homemakers.

Mama, it becomes a necessity to take a pause and look at your own needs dear. All the non-stop hard work that we do for our family can take its toll and the effects are straightaway visible on your own face, on your health and most importantly on your mind. Do I have to mention the Zombie-like state of mind?!
So, am sharing a few tips and tricks based on my own experience as a working Wife and mom of 2 kids. Believe me they are tried and tasted. These tips and tricks ill help you to become “You” again!

- Nothing stops without you: We moms have this conception that we HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING and without us the whole world will come to an end. Agree definitely but frankly speaking nothing stops if you take a break for a day or two. Kids will manage and hubby will support! If the kids are very young, yes, it becomes very tricky to manage things when you are not well etc. But there can be always some alternatives that can be worked out.
- Ask for help: Again, there is nothing to boast about “I single handedly do everything” because behind this do-it-all-myself there is too much of stress and hard work that leaves you irritated and chaotic. So, enlist some help! Get a helper – full-time or part-time and allocate some daily chores to her while you focus on priority stuff. There is nothing wrong in asking for family support from parents and in-laws. They are our people so should support wholeheartedly.
- Hubby to the rescue: Many a times, moms are skeptical to delegate any work to dads. Whether he knows how to do it, will he mess up, will he get angry – Many doubts that many times are quite baseless. Husbands know how much their spouses are doing for the family and kids and even if they might not say it openly, they respect you from the bottom of their heart.
- Spend time with yourself: What am I talking about? Time and for busy mom? That too with herself? Impossible. Actually possible if you try a bit. Me-time is extremely important to remain sane. After all, if you are happy, your family is happy. Go for that much-needed pedicure or read that unfinished book. Or simply sit and do nothing for some time. Or take a nap. There are many ways to steal time and get the dose of rejuvenation. Go for it, mamas.
- Shortcuts are not bad: Sometimes, shortcuts help and how! Rather than cooking an elaborate meal at home that burns your few hours, order outside food. Or, if you can’t handle kids homework and it’s creating troubles for them and you both, pls enrol them for a good tuition. You can think many such quick ways to get things done than stressing yourself out for every little task.
- Plan well and Multi-task:last but certainly not the least, plan well and effectively multi-task. Make kids school bags ready night before and keep your dinner schedule ready for a week. Buy your groceries on a weekly basis and schedule your other errands in such a way that they don’t interrupt your daily routine.
Like I said earlier, am a mom just like you and this is what I personally do to ensure I don’t overload myself. These tips help to spend some quality time with my loved ones while doing justice to my work and other family matters.
Do try and lemme know what are your tips and tricks to survive busy momlife.

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One of my friend is expecting a baby soon, will definitely share this link with her, I am so damn sure, she will love this beautiful bit
Indeed some great tips.. Even i feel, shortcuts arent bad and support from husband do all the magic.. life is good and we are sane when someone understand us
I help my mum with cooking and always keep pushing her to have some me time as well as she always looks tired 🙂
Asking for help and squeezing some time for yourself inst bad. I remember pumping BM so that my hubby can feed our son and I could catch up on some sleep. Great tips