Lip Fillers Gone Wrong: Here’s What You Can Do

Lip fillers are quite popular these days. Actors and actresses who are blessed with beautiful lips make quite an impression on people. They are considered to be a very beautiful feature and many people want to achieve this look, even if it involves anesthesia, needles, and a little discomfort. There are new lip plumpers available in drugstores that are capsaicin-containing lip preparations. Even tiny suction cups are used to plump the lips temporarily. Most would rather have lip filler surgically done if possible. Some like to achieve this look while still sticking to a natural appearance of the actual lips. Still others just want large lips, regardless of whether the look they choose is natural or not.


Large lips have been considered a feature of beauty throughout history. Even tribal people have been known to introduce different types of materials into the lip structures in order to make themselves more beautiful. In later years, some of the very first surgeons started using injectables around the beginning around the year 1900. They unsuccessfully tried to inject substances like paraffin wax. Then, doctors began using silicone and continued to do so for about thirty years. They abandoned the use of silicone due to fears about the effect on people’s health, although these fears were unfounded.

Next, physicians began to use bovine collagen as an injectable. For some time, this was the gold standard for fillers. One problem with collagen was the possibility to cause allergic reactions, prompting patients to have to receive allergy testing and a three week waiting period before being able to have their cosmetic procedure performed safely. In addition, the results just did not last very long and this required more appointments for upkeep.


In more recent years, hyaluronic fillers are currently being used most widely. Hyaluronic acid is a substance produced by the human body already, so there is no problem with allergic reactions. These gel type fillers are made with varying degrees of thickness, so there are different types to choose from depending on the procedure. Some other fillers are available for use such as Alloderm and Gore-Tex. Some patients even have a fat transfer procedure done which can provide a long lasting result, but can also develop lumps as time goes by. Patients who have diabetes, herpes simplex on the lips or clotting disorders are not considered to be good candidates for these procedures.

Lip fillers are currently done with relative easy using small 30 or 31 gauge needles since they are going to be injecting the lip area which is very sensitive. Topical anesthesia is applied most of the time to provide the patient with a comfortable procedure. A licensed, experienced physician will be able to inject the filler so that the lips are even and the cupid’s bow remains intact. It is important to follow doctor’s orders and take care of the injectables afterward. Most people are able to get injections and return to work the same day.

One of the first things to remember is that it will take approximately three days for the swelling to subside with lip injectables and fillers. The physician takes great strides to ensure that lips are balanced and even as the filler is being placed. Lips will be evaluated for even results several times while the procedure is being performed. It is important to remember that there will be swelling and even possible bruising for up to three days following the procedure. Some physicians even warn patients to expect their lips to be quite swollen and can be swollen more on one side than another. Many factors can affect this. But patients should not worry about final results until after the three day time period of swelling has passed. If there is still a problem and lips do not look normal, it is time to see what interventions can be done.


Many doctors advise clients to wait up to two weeks before doing anything to lips to allow for the lip surfaces to even out and for swelling and bruising to subside. Doctors can inject Vitrase (or Hyaluronidase) can break down the Restylane if lips have been over injected. Another option that physicians may choose is a prescription of steroid pills to help with swelling. Ice packs and lip exercises after injectables are also suggested. Some doctors recommend massaging an area of lumpiness (from the filler or blood pooling) after the hyaluronic fillers are used. The swelling goes down over several days and very few problems are seen with these fillers.

Sometimes, patients are asked to return to the physician, who might try to massage the lump out. Also, he or she might decide to inject more filler in small amounts to even up any problem there might be. Rarely, and only in cases of very unusual problems, surgical intervention can be used as a last resort. However, most patients find that once the initial swelling has had time to go down they have even results with their lips.

If you want to know more about some options for lip enhancement, you may visit Dr. Andres Bustillo in Miami, FL or schedule a consultation today! Dr. Bustillo is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon specializing in lip injections and other facial rejuvenation procedures including surgical and non-surgical treatments.

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8 thoughts on “Lip Fillers Gone Wrong: Here’s What You Can Do”

  1. I didn’t know this much about lip fillers. I have read about Hyaluronic acid in med school but never knew it is being used as lip fillers these days. This is really an informative post. It was an interesting read. Thanks for sharing..

  2. Fuller lips do look good and counted in sharp feature category. But I feel, our faerutes are meant for our face. It suits our face size and shape. As they say God has made us the way we should look. I will never think of this option..:-)

  3. I agree that fuller lips look good and are considered a very good feature to enhance your appearance. However, I could never get this done on myself as it involves injections, medicines and all.

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