Hello ♥ Welcome to the Winter Express – Blog Train where 33++ awesome bloggers write about different topics related to this beautiful winter season from their own unique perspectives. Expect tips and tricks, recipes, stories, cherished memories and many more. You would love to have a magical ride with our Winter Express.

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I would like to Thanks Minakshi for introducing me and sending across the Winter Express to my station.
As the theme is Winter, lemme share with you what winter means to me.
Ah.. WINTER…I can endlessly speak about this topic. So many memories – some very good, some very bad but nevertheless most happening things in life occur during winter I must say.
Winter means Mumbai, India:
I am a true blue Mumbaikar. In this maximum city that never sleeps, winter is rare but truly amazing. We cherish very few days of winter where the forever-heat of Mumbai suddenly vanishes..hmm, okay, at least it becomes less savage. Mornings become cool and you feel like sleeping in your cozy bedroom for 5 more precious minutes. Spicy food like Pavbhaji tastes even better in winter. Have you tried Sardaar Pavbhaji and Yoko’s sizzlers in Mumbai btw? Do try…
Winter doesn’t mean sweaters and jackets and gloves ever ever in Mumbai but may be 1-2 days you can have the pleasure of wearing them and rave about “Mumbai Winter”. Lol!
Anyways, everything about this city will be always the best for me so winter too is so special there.
Winter means Singapore:
One decade ago, life took a big turn and we landed in Singapore – right in the winter month of December – with a tiny baby in my hands.
So much excitement and at the same time so much uncertainty but just like Mumbai, Singapore instantly felt like home.
Again, there is no conventional winter in this island City. But mornings become even more beautiful during winter months. It rains in Singapore many days of the year and if it rains in winters…even more wow!
After one decade and one more kid, I would say Singapore is a city that is just so perfect like a picture. Warm hearted people and Warm winters of Singapore – you must experience.
I have been a City girl always and have not experienced true blue winter which is very cold with snow all around yet except for occasional visits to such places as a tourist. How the day to day life will be in extreme-cold places where winter is the only season? Do the people there love winter as much as we love? Thought pondering…
Winter means We all:
Call it a coincidence and such a lovely one – we all are Winter babies. Hubby and Me are November born, Girl is a December baby and Boy is a February product. Even my parents are November born. Having birthdays in winter has its own special advantages – your energy levels are high, weather is pleasant…Yay period indeed!
Winter means Holidays:
In Singapore, we have school holidays during winter months of November and December. There’re plenty of things to do for kids – workshops, events, play options, food treats and so on in Singapore and around. Kids get to truly unwind after grueling school routines and they so look forward to Winter holidays. We also plan trips to India during the Winters.
For me, Winter reminds me of trips to incredible places in India like Jaipur-Udaipur, Shimla, Manali, Odisha and so on. Can’t forget the memorable holidays I had with my parents and grandparents while I was still in school. Forever-golden memories etched in my mind.
Winter means Romance and Glam-up:
Okay, 2 kids already but lol, I can of course talk about romance… Especially in winter, the weather is so conducive for those sweet nothings, those little we-moments over a cuppa and so on.
I in fact even got married during winters instead of hot sweaty summer. Wink wink…
In winter, don’t you think the overall mood is always set for party? In fact the skin looks naturally clean (though dry) and I love to get decked up in sarees during winter. Lots of weddings happen and it’s too much fun to attend them and enjoy to the fullest. Lower temperatures outside take my spirits high.
Winter means Christmas:
I’m a non-christian but love the message behind Christmas. Anything that spreads happiness is always welcome.
It’s sheer awesomeness to soak in the Christmasy air. Those Malls decorated with large Christmas trees, lights everywhere and Wintery weather – nothing better than this combination! Want to take a look at my photolog about Singapore Christmas? Here it is!
Oh yeah, Do you believe in Santa? Well we are no longer kids but that kid in me secretly believes in Santa for sure. I imagine the hustle bustle on the North Pole night before Christmas where Santa and Elves are busy like bees to pack presents as per our wishlist. What a wonderful feeling it is to get something special from your Santa.
Well, Santa doesn’t give me anything any more;sigh; but for my kids, Santa showers his love every single year – toys, chocolates and all that they want.
What is on your wish list this year that you would like to get from this White beareded Ho Ho Ho man?
Winter means New Hope and new Challenges:
Winter arrives when the year is almost about to end and it departs only after we step into the new year and settle.
We already slog hard the whole year, have our fair share of ups n downs and when Winter comes, it brings a wave of hope. Hope for a better New Year and Hope to turn around the fortune gets a new life with Winter. It also sets the stage for the challenges New Year can present – in office, in home and in schools. This season prepares us to face it all – with renewed vigor.
This is my take on what Winter means to me. Just writing about it made me feel refreshed ❄️❄️
I hope you enjoyed reading my post. Now, it is the time for departure, so meet Winter Express at Tripti’s Station who is an avid traveller. Stay hooked to this journey with the Winter Express!!!
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Winters are my favorite too… And like you I’ve never lived in an extreme.winter and snow place… Loved reading
Such a beautiful write up. I love the way you put across your thoughts.. I love winters for almost all reasons you said and yes Christmas is my favorite festival due to the magical feeling I associate with it..
Everything about winters is always my favorite! Its my favorite season!!
I am not a winter baby though but Christmas is very dear to me
Winter is possible in Singapore, look at the chilled aircon offices and public buses!
cheers, Andy
Winter is my fave season.. too bad we don’t have it at all here in Singapore, and no, rainy monsoon season doesn’t count haha But at least we have cozy cool nights and beautiful Christmas celebrations that reminds me of winter though 🙂
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Winter is my fav season.. For me, winter means festival season and party time… You are looking fab In Saree.
There are million reasons to love this season and you covered the best ones for sure… Christmas, love, rain looks like a fairly-tale and I love it ?
Me too me too I am a winter baby! December is full of celebration!
Interesting topic. I feel like I know you better after reading the post!
I love winter and always yearn to travel around the year to wherever winter is. Happy holidays Shub!
What a cool topic and you wrote it so beautifully! Reading through your blog about winter makes me so in love with winter now!
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Must be a very busy yet happy time for your family…all the winter babies! Santa must be working overtime at your house…
Stay warm n cosy with ur other half ?
Jamie Chaw
Thanks a lot for mentioning my name. This blog is great and I am inspired with your ideas of winter days.
This topic is so cool! Funny how winter can spark off such intimate details and memories in your life! Thanks for sharing this soulful winter memories. May next winter bring you more thanksgiving!
I love winter too! Snow and chills… steaming coffee and maggi wali morning ??. Loved your article
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Migrating with family maybe the hardest choice that we have to make. But, I am glad that you really enjoy your new life.
Agree with Winter is special! In Malaysia, we have hot weather always. I wish snow come! ? Nice your story so I like it ?
I love winter !! But its not available in Malaysia.. only the fake snowwww
I’ve not experienced real winter before, so winter is only in my mind based on what I have read and watched. Winter means cold nights around a fireplace with loved ones.
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What winter mean to meanme? Alot of Christmas present. I like the Christmas tree. My office will have present exchange! I waiting for this moment every year.
Winter is always Special for me.. Food and travel both we enjoy alot only on winter
Wow you made us understand both world winter, yes mum winters have now become like rainy season too, wish I cud also be at Singapore to enjoy winter
It’s really interesting to read what winter means to you, beautifully you described everything…
This is such a heartfelt post and written beautifully. Loved your take on winters. I am a North Indian and the kind of winter we have here, it’s spine chilling truly. We are planning to travel to S’pore during winters next year. Thoroughly enjoyed reading your blog.
I do really want to experience winter at different country! The experience will be really great and fun too! Oh and Christmas is definitely my favorite celebration of the year too.
You’re ready to welcome crismas … the best is snow
Loved reading this post, so refreshing and full of happiness and positiveness. Winters to me means rejuvenation, new beginnings and lots of planning.
My daughter, mom and I are also born in winter. Winter reminds me of Christmas and new year.
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Winter means good food and snuggled up clothes for me ? Beautiful pictures
I haven’t experienced winter, and glad it means romance to you. But I have to be real, my freezer and AC gives me that super cold and I think its not for me.
But then who knows right? Maybe I just need to get use to the cold, hahha
I am summer baby who loves winters, The cool breeze and hot cups of tea. Miss that in Mumbai.
It was quite a refreshing read. I loved how you can enjoy true blue winter which is like a dream for me too since I have just been to the snow clad mountains as a tourist only. Every thing about your post has a special touch. Awesome job.
Such a nice read !! Winter for me is hot chocolates,warm blankets & cozy corners.We love visiting cold countries & had an amazing vacay in Switzerland in the year 2016.Winter brings magic with it!
I loved reading through this post. Gave us an insight into your personal life as well. Now, I feel like I know you better ❤️❤️ I’m in love with the vivacity of Singapore ?
Happy winter, Hun!
Being from mumbai we don’t really experience ‘the real winters’ we have to make the most of it in the month of December and jan max February… for me winters is about hot tea and pakoras … loved ur post and your choice of words
Totally love winter! Miss wrapping myself up and eating icecream in winter. And Christmas!
Hello I am from mumbai too! I love Sardar Pavbhaji, loaded with butter. And also Wada Pav at Mithibai. Lovely read. Winter is always special.
Wow!! I loved reading that winter is a season filled with so many joy, emotions and good moments. In short, winter is a month to enjoy everything.
You refreshed the Mumbai times for me..winter is totally different here as compare to north..still it’s good but at times i really miss hiding blankets and eating peanuts and jaggery chiki
I love winters even though am from Mumbai but this year its rainy winters now.
Winter means party time.good food, spending time with family. Love this post.
Love you post dear …. Very well explained the meaning of winter … I love winter.
I went to Beijing at the end of winter and I couldn’t stand the cold. I would love to snow-skiing in Switzerland but doubt I could stand the weather. Haha
I loved reading this. I miss winters in bangalore, the vibrant sweaters, warm jackets, hands coverd with gloves and winter boots !! The hot cup of coffee had an altogether diffrent meaning to it.
? I am a winter baby too! For me winter .. Especially December is celebrations. I am married in December too ? This post just got me excited already ? You look gorgeous ?