The Winter Express Blog Train Departs….

Welcome to the Winter Express – Blog Train where WB bloggers look at this beautiful season of winter from their own unique perspectives. Expect lots of tips and tricks, cherishing memories and we are sure you will have a magical ride on the Winter Express.

This train is brought to you by your truly along with two awesome bloggers from whom I have learnt a lot… and

Our blog train starts from today and it will stop at different blog stations and then enter the New Year!
Before that let’s meet the people who will greet you with their lovely post on WINTER theme at every station. Here is a quick snapshot of participating bloggers –


Whom will you meet in the journey of Winter Express? ♥

So welcome aboard and enjoy the ride!

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15 thoughts on “The Winter Express Blog Train Departs….”

  1. Pingback: 8 Winter crafts kits for 2 to 3 year olds | All under Rs 500

  2. What a lovely idea this is to share ideas on winter on blogs. I’m looking forward to reading all of them over the next few days.

  3. Thanks for this Intro post Shubhada, I am super excited for this blog train. What an awesome way to end this year and hop into the new year. Waiting to read everybody’s superb posts.

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