Blog Train: My Parenting Mantra – Take it Easy policy!

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My Parenting Mantra

I will call myself an unprepared parent. My first pregnancy was very difficult and I didn’t really have time and hopes to think about future. God is always great though and my miracle baby made hubby and me proud parents.

Since then and after 1 more baby,  I have realized that parenting is a roller-coaster – exhausting fun!!! Over the years I have learnt a few things and would love to share with you my Parenting Mantra if I may call it as ?

1. Take it Easy:

Let’s face it. We all would love to be Superwoman, Superwife, Supermom. Women are the natural multi-taskers and moms most definitely so. I have tried playing all these roles with equal efficiency and to the best-est of my ability. But…while I love to be always perfect, I have learnt that it is not that necessary you know. I mean – if my food becomes a bit salty one day or I forgot to sign and return one school form of my kid, it’s OKAY! These things can be managed. If not today, there is always tomorrow ?

Boiling blood over small matters is not good for anyone in the family. So Take It E  A S  Y.

This Mantra looks easy but difficult to master. I have tried practicing it and am slowly getting there.

2. Let kids bloom in their own special ways:

Oh, how much your daughter got? Only 80 in English!!! My son got 95 and he is still not happy. He came home crying because he lost 1.5 marks because of silly mistakes and didn’t stand 1st in the class.

Do you have anyone around you saying something like this? RUN for life…I simply shut down my listening and speech abilities in front of such parents. Oh common, they are kids. NOT RATS! Then why make them run in the rat race of marks?

Each child is special and has its own unique abilities. You cannot measure the success or failure based on exam results. Am not saying that exams are not important or should be ignored by parents and children but the purpose of exams should be – to check preparedness of the child and his / her knowledge – NOT blatant comparisons of  scores and then scold or nag or sit on the heads of our kids!

Guide them, talk to them and let them find their own niche and see how they’ll bloom.


3. My kids, My teachers:

Parents = know-all humans who think they are perfect and whatever they say is no matter what is right. Kids MUST follow what parents say under any case. Do you think this way? Not me at least.

I don’t really go by books when it comes to parenting. I just try to be a normal parent who makes kids laugh with goofy fun, sometimes scolds and always hug, kiss and love them no matter what happens. My expectations level is not sky-rocketing and as long as kids are happy, healthy and well-behaved, am happy! ❤️

I believe there’s lots to learn from these little people. Right from new vocab, trends to the life lessons they know so much more than we can ever imagine. My kids have taught me how to well-manage live-in helpers, they have taught me how to save money and they have taught me how small happinesses are big enough in life.

4. We-time and Me-time:

Once a parent, always a parent! Agree and still we have to steal time to be with the spouse and be with ourselves.

Late night movie dates with hubby, coffee sessions in the afternoon with him, Pampering facials and massages – all this Mommy needs to remain sane. If we are happy, they all are happy. Simple!

We-time and Me-time is something that I must get on a regular basis.

5. Teach them to be Kind:

I am fine with them scoring less in exams but am strictly not ok if they make fun of elderly / differently-able or show cruelty towards animals.

It’s so heartening to see when they ask my permission to use money from their piggy bank to give to “the music uncle who stands near the station” or how they ensure they don’t crush snails while walking. Read more about our snail-saving routine here.

Enjoyed reading My Parenting Mantra? Don’t forget to read what our next blogger mom Richa who blogs at says about her Parenting Mantra. Also, do comment and let us know your opinions. We are all ears.

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55 thoughts on “Blog Train: My Parenting Mantra – Take it Easy policy!”

  1. Really enjoy reading your sharing here of your parenting journey! Bravo to you 😉 Yeah! All are just so precious to continue esp we time vs me time as well as educating goid valye to the younger generation:) cheers, siennylovesdrawing

  2. This is all great info! I am still learning this mummy business, after 3.5 years as one, and like you I never read parenting books. Not knowing what to do all the time is sometimes very frustrating so I need to take a page out of your book and take it easy!

  3. Totally agreed! As a mama of three awesome boys, I definitely shut down my ears when parents start the comparison trap. I also am very serious about teaching kindness…because kindness is where it’s at. Too much of the world already suffers unkindness and that is what matters in the scheme of Life.

  4. I don’t think know matter how many kids you have or how many books you read, you are still unprepared. I just gained a little more knowledge along the way.

  5. I think as our children get older you learn that the small things are just not worth sweating! My mantra has become “choose your battles wisely” if its just not worth it, I leave it 🙂

  6. Interesting read. I am not yet a mama but i would definitely bookmark and save this post. I will also share this post with my friends.

  7. I really loved reading your post. First, I thought that that having a child was hard. But It’s not. Having a baby/child is such the best feeling ever. Sometimes it can be difficult and hard but once our child give the best of their smile and give them a big hug. All the problems and hard will fly away.

  8. I thought having babies was hard, and now I’m learning how intentional I need to be with training older kids. Motherhood is such a gift and we are given alot of grace!

  9. Shubhada I agree with all your tips. You are such a fabulous mother, which I already know. I completely agree that it is no good worrying about small thaings, we should stop trying to be super women. And also run from people who do the whole kids competition thing. They are not rats, true. Loved reading all your mantras. Great post.

  10. Loved reading your post, I so much agree with the over-competitive approach in parenting. It takes the fun out of kid’s upbringing. Rat race as rightly quoted by you is something I don’t abide by. Lovely read and pictures are just awesome

  11. I used to be a lil too uptight mommy initially but with twins only taking it easy worked much better for all of us
    Then I realised how imp it was to stay loose n enjoy..
    loved the article
    Felt really connected

  12. I agree with your parenting mantra and follow most of it myself too! We must really learn to take things easy and laugh at ourselves.. if not there will be so many situations for us to overreact and lose it!

    Ai @ Sakura Haruka

  13. Wow this is such a lovely posts. I could just go on and on reading this. Loved the Instagram pics that you have incorporated in the posts.

  14. Taking it easy has been the most difficult part of my parenting. I lose it at the smallest of things and then it is. Downward spiral from there ❤️❤️ I have been practicing mindfulness now and have worked up my mind to ask me ” is it worth it” all the time ?

  15. Definitely can relate many of what you said . 🙂 Esp point 2 and 4 . Parenting is uniquely different in every family but I guess our love for the children remains the same

    Phoebe (BPDGTravels)

  16. Lol to they are not rats!! : p It is not easy indeed to take it easy! But with practice, we will get there slowly… : ) Thanks for sharing.

  17. Madhusmita misra beautifully u explained everything Shubhadha…Love your parenting mantras…one more i would like to share…i always try to answer my kid queries in form of stories…Always try to tell her tht iam her best frnd….u can share anything u want to…

  18. Lovely post Shubh! I really need to practise this –
    “take it easy” parenting mantra given by you☺ Love the way you are balancing everything in your parenthood journey❤

  19. You are a superb mom balancing the art of parenting in your own way. I go with you for the points 2, 4 and 5. Thanks for initiating this blog train and happy to board on the blog train as a co passenger. Grateful to you for providing this chance.

  20. That’s called balanced parenting shub .. I love the way you enjoy with your kids even I wish to grow my vocabulary and learn new things from my baby .. Me time is important too ,. Glad to be connected with a mom whose parenting style is something to look up for contemporary and fun

  21. I so relate to every point you listed here. I guess I have to learn to not be a super mom and stress myself.

  22. Fabulous Mom Life

    Lovely read Shubh! Our parenting styles are almost exactly alike and I kind of had a feeling about this ever since I started following your blog and Instagram. It has been so wonderful knowing you 🙂

    1. Thanks thanks…I too had this feeling! Can’t wait to read your post in this series. <3

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