Signs indicating you are “possessed” by your Smart Phone and ortablets… :D

Is it happening to you too?

1. You wake up and first thing you do is..No, not getting up from the bed, not lovingly looking at your spouse’s looking-so-innocent-in-the-sleep-face, not noticing the sun shining outside…BUT, checking your beloved smartphone, how many notifications it has on instant messaging and other social media stuff etc. your waking up ritual cannot begin without taking blessings of your phone.

2. You walk like a zombie from your bedroom to bathroom with smartphone stuck in hands..You pee, you poo when this gadget enlightens you about the world news and other happenings.

3. Bath time means music time on the phone…you start your fav songs playlist and wow, bath is done in karaoke mode then!

4. Time to get ready.. You of course have mirrors in your home but only prefer Camera or any mirror app on your smartphone to do make up, hair and all.. 😀
While you are using your phone as a mirror, one selfie is not a bad idea too..

5. Ok, you spend exactly 2 minutes 38 seconds without looking at smartphone because you are locking the doors, walking towards the lift…but Cannot take any more “separation@ and the moment you enter the lift, your eyes are into your phone again…2-3 selfies again from different angles..Wow! looking so beautiful…

6. Now time to ride bus, train or taxi means some zen time with your darling again..Facebook, Downloaded episodes of fav TV serials or films, take photos of some scenery outside window etc….
If you want, you can read your office slides on iPad / any other tablet with one eye and another eye on smartphone…Height of multi-tasking!

7. Now in office, so must focus on work..Never mind, you still have your desktop / least something digital..Yay! Of course, you can frequently visit washroom..not because you have urine incontinence but because you want to read your social media updates. 😀

8. Story continues…come back home listening to some music on your smartphone, play candy crush, PvZ, 2048 etc. Winning games gives you a high!

9. Back home is cooking time for Indian ladies (mostly)..Even if you make simple sandwiches, they deserve applause so food photography begins. Take close-up shot of tomato in the sandwich, focus on the greenery of the lettuce and upload at least 10 photos of 1 sandwich on Food forums on FB..Keep on checking anxiously for how many likes..
All thanks to your smartphone!!

10. Hubby comes home, kids are home…All conversation is centred around smartphone..Maths app, nursery rhymes, cinema ticketing app…
Talks to your hubby can be gossip about who posted what on FB, show photos, discuss breaking news…so no more “aankhon me aankhen” but “all aankhen on phone” 😛 sometimes, poor TV also has to take a back-sit.
and story continues day after day and night after night..

We all keep on living “digitally and smartly” ever after…

Disclaimer: No intention to comment on anyone. Also, this article has a tone of satire. We do believe that overuse of smartphones is bad!

Image courtesy: Bing Image Search for Microsoft Office

Singapore Desi
(for Singapore Desi)

20 thoughts on “Signs indicating you are “possessed” by your Smart Phone and ortablets… :D”

  1. I am guilty of some of your points here..hahahaha…It really a new world for us that we have all these gadgets. We are all slaves to this kind of addiction…I guess.

  2. Hahahaha… I can't stop laughing. Its such a funny way to look at how depressingly we are addicted to our phones. Btw, pt 1 is true for me, rest aren't!

  3. I must admit am one of them,would love to spend my most of time with mobile,laptop,tablet etc gadgets of mine.I thin in today's current generation most of the people are such tech/gadget addicted person.

  4. In our house, we have made it very clear not to use smartphones when we are conversing or hanging out. I'm glad that this level of addiction hasn't taken root in some of us. It was a humourous read. Thank you!

  5. Wow I'm guilty. Hahaha. But not at all times though. Sometimes I put my phone away to make sure it's not the first thing I see in the morning. Almost everything this time is digital so we can't blame anyone for being too attached to their smartphones.

  6. Well, can't say i am completely "possessed" but there are times we tend to use it excessively without realizing and that is because it basically replaces all our essentials like watch. communication, entertainment and many others.

  7. I'm not such a bad case. Lol. I'm just guilty of #1 and it's mainly because of work. I love how smart phones and tablets have made our lives easier but I also don't like being too connected.

  8. i can't imagine anyone being so obsessed with smartphones! bringing phones into the bathroom/toilet is a definite no-no for me. heard of a couple of horror stories of how the phone dropped into a pre-flushed toilet bowl….

  9. A lot of people are definitely like this. As for me, I barely use my phone. lol I'm too busy enjoying everything around me. I always make time to go to different places, usually walking distance from where I live, and I leave my phone behind so I can just get sucked into the moment and enjoy the peace. Great post.

  10. I make sure that I give myself ample time away from my smartphones and tablets. I normally just use them when I'm away from my family. Other than that, I find no use for them at home unless I'm looking up a recipe or I need to check on my work.

  11. Yes, admittedly, I'm possessed by my smart phone and mobile devices. I don't think I can stand a week without getting access to the Internet because this makes me connected to the online world and makes me learn more info every day.

  12. Thank God I don't have any of those signs. Ever since I bought my small camera and worked online, I haven't used my smartphone much. I even leave it in my bedroom while I work in the living room. I do my social media posts through my laptop so I uninstalled most of them from my smartphone.

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