Save the Earth – What a 9-year old thinks about it..

December is the school holiday season in Singapore. Kids are relaxing, enjoying after hectic study schedules. One such kid – my Daughter wrote this guest post for RainbowDiaries. She is a regular reader of our blog and thinks I write “okay” 😀

Presenting the blog post written by her – straight from the heart, with genuine intention..

I published it without any edits..

We also invite other kid writers who wish to publish their articles on this blog. Email us on

Happy Writing!!

18 thoughts on “Save the Earth – What a 9-year old thinks about it..”

  1. Your daughter writes her ideas very well. Looks like we will have another blogger in a few years! The children of today should really know about the environment they will unfortunately inherit from our generation.

  2. Awww what a sweet post and she is surely right, we do need to save the earth. Seems like everything is being depleted and if we don't cut down on what we do it's going to get worse.

  3. Wow such a thoughtful from a kid. I love to read their words and also how they feel about certain issue. We should encourage more children to express themselves through blog as well.

  4. This is amazing. I hope you can share more of such articles and remind these kids to look back every year to see what they have written, how their mindset have changed. Hope this will help!

  5. This is a well written piece and she is so mature with her thoughts about the environment. It's moving and can keep us aware of the environment.

  6. This was such a great read – smart kid! I am all for not wasting paper so whenever the chance to go paperless is there, I will go paperless.

  7. Oh wow, such maturity of perspective coming from a 9-year old. 🙂 Bravo! Yes, we should rethink our lifestyles and how our choices affect life here on Earth.

  8. That's beautiful. And the message is just really moving. It's good to hear from kids and what they have to say.

  9. Beautiful words from a child. Honest words! I really think adults should listen to children every once in a while. Their wisdom is amazing and unfiltered!

  10. Great post. I always find it interesting listening to the thoughts of kids. They usually make a lot of sense and most of the time, teach and remind us about important things. My brother, 15 years old now, has been a frequent contributor on my blog. He has over 100 published posts already. Great job for encouraging more young ones to speak their mind.

  11. OMG! Your daughter is awesome. The thought process and the concern that she has at 9 yrs is just mindblowing. I must credit you and her dad for raising such an angel!

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