Earth Day 2020 #StayHomeStaySafe

Today is Earth Day and am so happy to be a part of Geneco Singapore’s #stayhomewithgeneco campaign that aims at spreading the message of Staying Home Safe and Bonding with your family while adopting Go Green practices. #powerfamtimefridays #circuitbreakersg

This Earth Day has even more significance while we all are tackling the challenge of Covid19. Countries are under lockdown and Coronavirus has taken over the world. It’s really important to pause and think why we all are paying such a heavy price.

In Singapore, Circuitbreaker is extended upto June 1 and Stay Home Stay Safe is the key message. My hubby and me are working from home while kids are on full time Home Based Learning. As a family, we are spending time together and bonding over work, studies, food and little discussions.

This Earth Day, I would like to share about how we are contributing in our own little ways to the environment.

  • We have always tried to live in balance and consciously try to conserve water, electricity and fuel.
  • We are vegetarians and believe in loving animals.
  • We as a family try to do quite a few DIY activities that involve recycling and upcycling.
  • We have started to reduce the consumption of single-use plastic.
  • Our kitchen is moving towards becoming plastic-free.
  • Little Green spaces in the home is another project that we have undertaken. Our new home is not yet fully decorated since we moved in just 3-4 months back and immediately after we moved in, Coronavirus has struck the world. So, with limited resources that we could gather, we have shaped up our Little Garden that makes our planter and patio look so so beautiful.
Our Recycled and Upcycled Beauties.

Do you agree?

  • Nurturing plants is like Nurturing kids
  • Plants are instant beautifiers for any space
  • Plants are amazing stress relievers
  • Getting hands dirty with soil is therapeutic for all ages

What’s your favorite Green activity that you do with your family ❓❓❓


#gogreen #ecoblogger #reducereuserecycle #reducereuserecyclereplenishrestore #livelifecolorfully #pursuepretty

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7 thoughts on “Earth Day 2020 #StayHomeStaySafe”

  1. That’s a lovely way to celebrate the earth day. You have shown a lovely gesture to Mother Nature through this activity.

  2. Yes, Earth Day has become more significant now, when the whole mankind is fighting against this enemy COVID-19. If everyone would contribute to sustainable living on their own way, we can give our children a better world.

  3. You guys are doing a good job in conserving the nature. Using recycled things is a good idea and saving electricity too.

  4. Each one of us need to contribute in our own small way to help arrest the derterioration of the earth. It can be as simple as saying no to single use plastic or using an electric car. Appreciate your efforts.

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