As you know I’m curating content about the tough period that we all are going through. Yes, Corona virus or Covid-19 has taken over every single news, every single discussion in Offices, Home and Social media. Who would have thought we all have to experience such unlikely and rare events like travel restrictions, city and country lock-downs and hospitals full of patients. Terrible, isn’t it?
We women are always labeled as “Strong” or rather it is expected that we have to remain strong for all in the family. I’m not denying the fact that we are super-strong but to be honest, this strong-woman notion is overrated. In tough times, just like anyone else there will be – panic, fear, anxiety whatever you call it as – is bound to happen. The same happened or is happening to me as well.
I have compiled some tips that I have personally tried and trying. Please read on and lemme know yours too.

Here are some first hand tips to manage the anxiety caused by Covid-19:
Accept that you are feeling stressed
There is no need to put up a brave front constantly when deep inside you are s*** scared. Yes, when we are with kids, we have to maintain our calm but when you are alone or with spouse, please vent out your emotions by speaking / discussing. I don’t have any qualms in saying that I have cried a few times recently due to this.
Filter your Social Media and Focus only on Authentic News
Social Media can be a double-edged sword and we better recognize this sooner than later. Currently, there’s so much being shared on Social Media about Coronavirus and everybody seems to have become an “infectious disease expert” but hello, what looks authentic doesn’t mean is authentic! Stay away from junk, hoax. Read and believe only authentic news coming from authorized channels.
Personally, I read and believe only in MOH, Channel News Asia, The Straits Times and other Singapore Govt sites. App by Gov.Sg is an amazing resource to keep updated with the real facts.
When you are ensuring that you don’t pay heed to so-called news of sure shot remedies for Covid-19 or to the spicy conspiracy theories, RESIST the urge of sharing the same on your social channels.
Stay away from E-virus and don’t spread it too.
Distract, distract, distract
If you are getting FOMO when Covid-19 information is concerned, it’s okay! Sometimes, it’s necessary to distract your attention.
I watch stupid movies, mindless TV series, cheap humour shows – anything that frees my mind from the constant bombarding of Coronavirus content.
Remember that not all Flu are Covid-19
The moment someone sneezes or coughs a bit, now-a-days, subconsciously you tend to think that OMG! It’s Corona. Worst is the case when you read about the symptoms and you feel that you have ALL of them.
Let’s remind ourselves that not all Flu are Covid-19.
Having said that one must not ignore the symptoms and if feeling unwell, it’s best to visit Doc. Check the list of PHPC here.
Rely on your Support System – Offline and Online
This is your tribe – people who will be there to help you out, who can hear you and offer value-adds. It could be your partner, parents, family members or online forum. Remember I mentioned that Social Media is a double-edged sword. This is the good side of it. Example: I have this awesome WhatsApp group called SocialMediaMomSG that’s always bubbling with ideas and knowledge.
Talk to your kids
These little folks are truly a medicine for every challenge. We must learn from their resilience and positive attitude.
Kids take things differently than we adults and their fresh perspective make us forget worries.
While it’s good to share information with them about Coronavirus, we have to watch what we are saying. Generally, I try to “lightweight” the reality while underlining the importance of precautions.
Take precautions and play your part
While we are reading up all the materials about Social Distancing, Washing hands regularly and about Social Responsibility, it’s mandatory that we actually FOLLOW these protocols.
When we take precautions, there is certain peace of mind and it helps to manage the overall anxiety.
Use your own “Top Floor”
You will have an OVERDOSE of all the knowledge (and hoax), instructions (and loose talk) from all sides especially Social Media. Doesn’t mean you have to do all the things that others are doing.
Example 1: Hoarding of masks, toilet papers and groceries.
Example 2: Travel because there is less crowd and cheaper tickets.
Example 3: Take kids to crowded malls and attractions freely.
If others around you are doing it doesn’t mean you also have to do it! Do what you think is good for your family. Imagine you travel and next 3 weeks you live in fear of getting sick.
When we use our brains rationally, it helps to minimize the stress. Do you agree?
Look at the Silver Lining

Covid-19 is never-seen-before-never-heard-before nightmare for many of us but if we really think then there has to be some reason why it’s happening. Is it because we have literally taken our resources for granted? Are we so bloated with ego and considering that the whole Earth is our property? In our materialistic happiness and selfish pursuit of grabbing all that we can get, are we forgetting the basic fact that we are mere humans! There’s someone else – you call it as God, the Almighty or Universal power or any other name – who is running the show.

Coronavirus gives us a perfect reason to be humble, to take care of our families, to love nature and all its creations. It’s the Silver Lining of this disaster that the pollution is clearing off, people have started staying at home and spending time with families. Most importantly, we are learning to adjust, to live with whatever we have and be thankful for it.
Lets face the situation with humble hearts and folded hands and this shall too pass. Take care!

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This corona virus lockdown has caused anxiety to many. There are lot of tensions in this period and you have shared some great tips to keep them away.
It is difficult time but we all should stand together and maintain social distance to stay away from virus. Great info!
I can relate to this post. Even I’m so anxious for my kid and my mom and dad. Thanks for sharing such wonderful tips on how to stay calm at such situation.
Anxiety is obvious at this period. But we have to try to overcome by diverting our minds to different things.
My dad keeps seeing fake news on SNS and keeps getting super stressed… You mentioned some really good points to deal with it!
It’s indeed high time to keep us mentally strong in this lockdown period. These tips is going to help a lot.
There are many things we can do in our home to stay active as a family. Mindfulness is a great technique that can help reduce stress. Regular physical activity and exercise can help reduce anxiety.
Filter your Social Media and Focus only on Authentic News- This point is the most important and thanks for sharing it.
No matter even if we dobt admit, the very strong person amongst us is also facing some sort of anxiety due to the current situation. You have given a really nice guide.
I face stress, anxiety too. But, to overcome this I am limiting my media consumption to a specific time and yes, I am depending upon the authentic source of news to stay updated. Spending quality time with family and watching web series help me stay calm.
As a mom it’s stress full even if a child have a just cough or sneezes this blogpost is helpful all the stressful mommie
Truly this is a tricky situation we all are stuck in.. Thanks for sharing these tips actually more than me my husband is into all those media reports and even tracking the count.. I am the one who is calming down. Hows the situation at your end?
Anxious, yes, everyone is. And there are people who are spreading hoax news also, staying away from them is the sole way to face this situation. I feel
These are difficult times the world is going through and staying calm is of the essence. With too much overload of information and social media going crazy, it is best to minimize the intake of information and that too only through reliable sources.
I agree that information overdose too can cause panic and stress. It is important to remember that we need to take precautions and follow the authorities. Staying safe while being informed is important.
Covid 19 is like a nightmare no doubt. well said. its is a difficult time and we all have to be strong.
Thanks for info…Take care..
same to you… Stay safe!