As you all know we have moved into a new home around 2-3 months back and we are taking our sweet time to adjust. Especially with the ever-changing #Covid-19 situation. There is a patchwork still remaining for our home and house-warming we have postponed for a later date that we ourselves also don’t know.
Since this home move, there are lots of changes and the whole thing looks quite topsy turvy as of now. Especially for Shrihaan.

Then boy had to get transferred to a new school and though the new school is great and the teachers and other staff seem to be very supportive, it’s a HUGE change in Shri’s LITTLE world. He keeps remembering his old friends every now and then.

Some learnings for us as parents [and we are still figuring out ourselves]. These points will help some of you as well.
✔️Keep talking to the kid and ask him / her how are things in the new school – Sometimes they might respond, sometimes they just laugh away, sometimes they don’t say anything but we should still keep asking.
✔️GIVE TIME AND TAKE TIME – this is the most important reminder to us as parents. There is no point in rushing things. We must give time to kids to adjust.
✔️Work with teachers – Meet teachers or Drop an email to check if all is well with the kid in the school and how is he adjusting. Sometimes, I have seen that teachers observe and know kids better than parents. Amazing right?
✔️Let the kid cherish memories of his / her last school – we shouldn’t try to belittle or suppress the memories kids have if their old school. For them, it’s a treasure. So while, the kids are gathering new memories at their new school, let them also dwell into the past. Do watch that they don’t overdo it or sulk.
✔️Take help of elder siblings – Elder siblings are like been there, done that!!! These confident people can offer expert’s advice to the younger ones [and parents] and believe me they come up with such cool ideas that only they can think of!
Have you been in such a situation? How did you / your kids adjusted to such situations?
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Yes true changes are good but always comes with the task and difficulty.these are the useful tips good share ya
Changing schools hit me hard even when I was in 8th standard… The tips you shared will be very useful for parents!
Change can be difficult for everyone and more for the kids. Thanks for sharing these useful tips will keep in mind.