One blink of an eye and 2017 is over! I felt that I just wrote this bye bye post for 2016 and it’s already time to bid goodbye to even 2017. Time flies faster than a spaceship.
On a personal front last year was quite challenging. Health scares of loved ones and my own, maddening flow of daily stuff that was going out of hands and true realization of that quote – “Man proposes, God disposes”! Sigh. But lemme sound positive and say:

After all, you can’t have all the hits, there will be misses too. Just that in 2017, there were more misses.
Sunshine came in the form of in 2017 which kept my spirits up and of course, my lovely kids and hubby.Gratitude to this blog baby and my babies!
Attended some talk-of-the-town events as a media, got associated with theAsianparent as a TAPFluencer, won a few accolades for all the hard work and multi-tasking this mom does for RainbowDiaries.
Lemme summarize the year that’s gone by and how was it for RainbowDiaries.
Noble causes and community initiatives…
Charitable causes is something that I would like to do more of in 2018. We MUST contribute our bit to the society.
Hosted 2 Blog Trains with some of the amazing Women bloggers of India and overseas. Do read these articles because there’s lot of knowledge sharing and experiences.
Organized event for Moms and Kids
Cool event launches
Marina Bay Carnival
Changi Airport’s Mystical Garden with Sanrio Characters
Monster Jam Singapore
Meeting these roaring trucks up, close and personal and witnessing their breathtaking action – monster of an event! My hubby and my boy enjoyed Monster Jam like anything. Me too.
Seeing Double at Wild, Wild, Wet
Launch Party of the Whoosh at Wild Wild Wet was a riot in the water…
Tinker Fest at Singapore Science Center
An immersive event for kids and entire family where we learnt and we bonded as a family. Oh and that Chipsley fam at the Snow City – so cute.
Nickelodeon Slime Cup
Yikes Slimy fun…Slime is my kids all time favorite and how we could have missed this?
Meeting F1 Esso Mobil 1 X Red Bull team
Sentosa Sandsation
Why “Sandsational”? because you get to experience more than 30 marvellous, towering Sand Sculptures spread over 2400 square metres of exhibition space.
“H”awsome Fun at KidZania Halloween
KidZania is a place we keep visiting and still it appears new every time. This after-dark party was spookylicious.
Disney on Ice
Truly mesmerizing experience! It was pleasure to witness Disney classics on ice.
Jumanji preview
We caught Jumanji in the media preview before it officially hit the screens.
and so many more… You can just browse through the archive for 2017 and read on.
Proud to be a TAPFluencer
Thanks theAsianparent for including me in your esteemed panel of TAPFluencers. It’s a network of parent bloggers and influencers from over 5 countries. Can you spot me here?
theAsianparent has always been my go-to-website when it comes to parenting resources. Contributing to theAsianparent in whatever capacity I can is an honor.
Blogging for me started as an extension of my Facebook Group – SINdiapore and Facebook page – RainbowDiaries that now have approx. 15K likes and members. I didn’t even know when became passion…Penning down your experiences and sharing them with others gives me real high. When this passion gets recognized, I feel happy!
Top 100 Singapore Blogs and Websites
It is great to be in the list of TOP 100 Singapore Blogs and Websites for a relatively new blog like mine that too in TOP 30…Thanks Feedspot – this was a pleasant surprise.
Interview in Lomography
Read it here. Super-happy to be a Lomo Amigo.
Feature on Joyful Beginnings
I am really glad to support the moms facing PND and sharing my own experience with them. Read the feature here.
Canon Contest for Bloggers
We explored South Beach Avenue with Canon and wrote this blog about it. Thanks Canon Singapore for choosing our entry as a winner.
Exploring Singapore’s yummiest spots as a Food Blogger
Who doesn’t love food? RainbowDiaries is about sharing and caring…Visited some cool restaurants, cafes in 2017 and ate some yummy food that made our tummy happy…
Beauty and Lifestyle Blogger – Am a mom and more…
Am a mom and a woman who would like to be fit and look fine too. If I have to give justice to my job as a wife and mom, I have to spend time with and on myself too…
So, I tried Laser for a better skin…
and tried to move my body though I still have such a long way to go…
Got DNA keepsake for myself…
took Dove Hair tie challenge…
and Put Sally Hansen on my nails.
Gifted flowers to myself ♥
and flaunted my Gaston Luga
Went to staycations with hubby and babies to beat the blues – Hotel Renaissance JB and Pegasus Boutique Hotel
Tried out some cool gadgets and innovations
Cool giveaways for our fabulous readers and followers
Legoland Malaysia Tickets and Merchandise
Faber-Castell Art Festival
Cherub Rubs
Monster Jam Singapore Giveaway
Wow, huge post…While writing didn’t realize…and it’s only a tip of an iceberg…Grateful for the blessings and learnings 2017 gifted.
Looking forward to see how 2018 unfolds. You all too take care and have a super Happy, Healthy and Happening 2018. Keep reading us ♥
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you had a great 2017 and sure 2018 will be greater. And also congrates for listed in Top 100 of Spore Blogs. Hope to see more great articles from your blog.
Happy New Year! 2017 sounds like it was a great year for you and I hope 2018 will be even better,
It seems that you really had a wonderful experience and blessings in 2017. and May 2018 brings you and your family many opportunity in your career and more awards in your blog. You deserve it, Congratulations!!
I love Jumanji too! Dwayne is priceless. and I’ve gotten Gaston Luga too~ We got some stuff in common~
How wonderful to look back on such a great year. Here is to an even better 2018!
Gifting myself flowers … now that’s something I should do as well. It sounds like you had lots of opportunities to collaborate with other bloggers and influencers last year.
It was so great to see your year in pictures…congratulations for the sward and hope this year is all the more amazing for you.
Such a nice throwback about what happen in your 2017. Looks like you had a wonderful experience and Congratulations on being listed in Top 100 bloggers. You really deserve it.
Well what an exciting 2017 you had! I hope your 2018 is just as fun.
Wow you have had such a busy and productive year in 2017! Here’s to hoping 2018 brings you more joy and prosperity!!
it looks like you had such a busy year! I can’t wait to see how 2018 went
WOW! It looks like you had a fun year! It’s good to look back and take stock. I hope you have a great 2018!
Looks like you have been very busy in 2017. but that’s great, go you! an instagram recap is a cool idea! hope 2018 is just has good!
Happy new year! (a little late) It looks like you had so many amazing moments during 2017! I loved seeing all of them captured in your beautiful pictures. I can’t wait to see what 2018 brings you, I hope the health worries of the past year are no longer a problem and that you make many more wonderful moments and memories.
What a great year you had! It looks like you accomplished a lot. Cheers to 2018!
What an amazing 2017! Congratulations on your award for top blog in Singapore! I’m sure there is even more in store for 2018.
Happy 2018! Thank you for sharing your past year! Looks like it was full of fun memories!
It looks like you had an exciting year, filled with lots of fun and interesting events. I hope you will have a 2018 even better, with many happy moments for you and your family.
Love the compilation of all the beautiful moments from 2017, Wishing you another super happening year ahead. Happy New Year!
I should make this for me as well! A recap of last year through my instagram posts sounds like such a cool concpet! Your year looked super fun and filled with love
Wish you the best for 2018!
Happy New Year Shubhada, may 2018 bring you and your family many more beautiful moments and awards. You deserve it, you’ve worked so hard
Wow, such a beautiful journey of 2017 you have… It gives so much inspiration to do more good things and achieve more success in the coming years… Hope this New Year will bring more happiness in your life.. Happy New Year…
What a great idea! I love seeing Instagram recaps of the past year. I might write that down in planner to do next year.
Your pictures are awesome! 2017 seemed like a great year for you and your family! You guys got to see Grave Digger! That is exciting! I haven’t seen that since I was a kid!
Such an amazing year you had! So many things just happened. But you know what? I am so glad to read that you gifted yourself flowers! It’s so important!!! Great summary! I feel the same way, it was just A BYE-BYE TIME to 2016 and we have already said see ya to 2017! May 2018 be a good year for you and your loved ones ?
This seems like a happening year and you have consolidated it well in one post to create memories forever.
Wishing you another super happening year ahead.
Such a nice compilation, hope you have a wonderful 2018 as well!
Such a nice compilation, hope you have a wonderful 2018 as well!
Happy New Year… Glad to know that you had a great 2017. Hope you have much amazing 2018. Goodluck and God bless you. Love!
Such a awesome look back the year 2017. Happy New Year
Same here the year just flew , concentrating on betterment of society shld be our goal for 2018
This post makes a woman proud that despite the struggles she has, how much can we make to have a self satisfied life. Great going with your blog I must say!
It was a wonderful Journey of 2017. Wishing u more success this year
2017 has been amazing for you. Hoping 2018 will be terrific too. HNY to you and your family.
2017 was very good and excellent hopefully 2018 will be better than that
Happy new year 2018. Looks like you had an adventurous and amazing year.
Wow what a great year it was. I hope the year 2018 too goes super amazing for you
That’s a good year! You had so much fun! More power to you and blessings! Have a blast in 2018!!
Looking forward for 2018~ Happy New Year!
You had a great year with your family! Hope 2018 will be more wonderful for you!
Just an amazing journey of 2017 … Wishing u more power n success this year
What a wonderful 2017 you have with your family! I need to write a conclusion post soon to =) Happy New Year dear!
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truly a mind blowing year… may 2018 be even more fabulous
you have a nice wrap up for 2017, welcome th awesome 2018 too
Nice wrap up for 2017! So many activities and fun. Hope your 2018 will be better, prosperous. Happy New Year 2018!
It shows that you enjoyed fully with your kids and family well with lots of joy . It is good to hear that you being listed in 100 of spore blogs and let this year give you more heights and happiness as well .
happy new year to u.. may 2018 a great year ahead..
There are so many sweet memories in 2017, wishing you and your family Happy New Year 2018, stay awesome as always
There were so many lessons in 2017, for me. Lets welcome 2018 with big hearts and hope that more beautiful memories are made in 2018
Looks like you had a fabulous year.. am happy for you… and may 2018 be much more amazing..
whoa, now here’s a really comprehensive goodbye 2017, hello 2018 post. May your 2018 be super awesome!
Really a great you had last year and of course 2018 will gonna be greater for you!! All the best to you
Fantastic year 2017 life journey dear. I wish you a Happy New Year 2018
Happy new year to you! Life would be boring if it was all according to plan ?
Happy New Year to you and your family, Shub. What a journey 2017 had been for you and your blog. Congrats on the accolades. May 2018 bring you more successes.
Happy New Year 2018 to you,May 2018 will give all happiness to you.
Well, it shows you had a wonderful year filled with fulfillment! And so many giveaways i missed!
Happy New Year 2018 to you, Shub! A great summary of your 2017 sharing 1st, you had a great 2017 & am sure you will be greater in 2018
Proud of you being listed in Top 100 of Spore blogs. Cheers, siennylovesdrawing