Yes, it is true that parents who help their kids get a very early head start in their reading journey, will in return make them smarter. It has been shown that children who enjoy reading books earlier in life, excel better in school during adolescence. In an article posted by the, scientists have found that children who are able to read well by the young age of just seven, are more intelligent in their later years.
Scientists at King’s College London and Edinburgh have tested reading and intelligence levels of 1,890 pairs of identical twins, over the course of nine years. The children were tested when they were aged, 7, 9, 10, 12 and 16, and the study has found out kids who have better than average reading capabilities starting from the age of 7 also have higher than average verbal reasoning during adolescent. Youngsters that read well also did visibility better in non-verbal tests. Younger kids who have good reading capabilities when in primary school performed significantly better in their teens, in IQ tests for abstract thinking general cognition and pattern finding. According to this new study, the results suggest that learning to read from an early age has implications that goes beyond just simple literacy. “The results revealed that those children who were better at reading had higher general intelligence and were more adept at spotting patterns, observing treads and completing picture” written by
Reading teaches young kids how to use their ever so vivid imagination, this helps children to think not only abstractly but also rationally in field of logic, mathematics and sciences. Authors of the study also writes, “‘Better reading ability may improve knowledge of specific facts, but it may also allow abstract thinking skills to be gained via the process of taking on the perspectives of fictional or historical characters, or imagining other worlds, times, and scenarios.”
Everyone knows reading to kids is a great thing. Do you know the certain advantages your own kid can receive just by being exposed to reading? Let’s talk about some of the other benefits that highlights starting to read at a young age, some as early as between the ages 2 to 5.
When a child starts to get familiar with reading at such a young age, she or he would definitely need their parents’ guidance and extra push, not many children know the meaning and usage of books, or are naturally curious about them unless their parents and teacher instill in them through their daily lives.
So when parents get involve earlier in this process, it can help build a stronger relationship between you and your child. Everyone knows, how fast a child grows, many parents complain that their children are always busy with their friends or tech devices. As a parent to a young kid, take advantage of their young age and spend more time with your kid, snuggling up in bed with a good book. Most children books are not only educational but full of morals that also teaches important, meaningful life lessons. Instead of seeing this as a chore, use this to valuable time period to make reading a nurturing activity that will not only bring you guys closer but also to kick-start their learning abilities. This would a wonderful benefit to every parent worrying about their children growing up too fast.
Speaking English properly in Singapore might not be on the regular with our multiracialism country, as we have become too comfortable in shortcutting and mixing our English language with our other local languages, resulting “Singlish” or some would call it “Broken-English”. Though very uniquely Singapore it may be, such habits in young children will eventually stick. Starting early with proper basic speech skills is critical throughout toddlerhood and preschool as your kid is learning both critical language and enunciation skills. By listening parents read to them, even how you speak, is a form of reinforcing the basics sounds that form language. Because by the time your child is in preschool, what you have reinforced might be very helpful, as then your kid will likely begin sounding out words on their own.
It is not uncommon for kids or parents who have kids that might be a little behind in speaking, reading, which might result a lacking of communication skills. When a kid starts reading at a very young age with the help of their parent/s, they might be able to express themselves better, and relate to other kids in school or in the classroom, in a healthier, and more positive way. By witnessing characters interact with each other in books, is helping your child gain valuable insight in communication skills.
Reading at a young age is not only help in being smart, but it helps in life general.
Many children have problems with their social skills, socializing with others, perhaps they are late bloomer, socially awkward, or as mentioned above, they aren’t able to communicate properly. The general assumption is reading is mostly beneficial in an academic way, but did you know it can help children acclimate to new experiences? As a child approaches a major development milestone or maybe a stressful growing pains experience, parents sharing a retable storybook, or a child reading one is a wonderful way help them with their experiences or struggles. If it is the child’s first day of preschool or primary, they might be dealing with a lot of nervousness and anxieties, and there are many books that have topics to help deal with those issues, assuring children that what they feel or going through is normal. For youngster readers (ones in secondary school), they too have an endless array of options of books about puberty, friendships, stress, social experiences, transitioning to being a young adult, topics which youngsters might find difficult to openly discuss with their parents, therefore they could reach to those books for sound advice. Or on the other hand, parents could offer such self-help books to their children when they reach that difficult period stages of their lives.
As a parent, do ask yourself. what is the most important trait you want to develop in your child? If you are like most parents, being intelligent would be at the top of their list. And if you’re a youngster studying hard in Singapore, this would be no doubt, one of your top priorities too. Most children at some point would want to be at their best-smarts wise. And every parent wants smart and bright children, which is why many of them spend so much effort and time in choosing the right schools and making sure their children’s teachers are excellent educators. But as a parent, on your own, can kick start and unleash your child’s learning potential at a very early age, even as early as toddlers, simply by making reading books an essential part of their daily lives.
Article by: Jassica R.J 2016
After reading the article, am sure we all have reiterated in our minds the benefits of reading for our kids. Earlier we start, the better it is for kids!!! So lets embark on this reading journey at the soonest with little ones.
When it comes to reading, how can we not mention Kindle – this smart device makes reading even more fun, even more productive. Now it is thinner and better, looks and feels just like a book and easier to use with built-in Wi-Fi.
Kindle Giveaway
RainbowDiaries is so happy to host the giveaway of Kindle for our dear readers courtesy: ♥ Tuition Finder Singapore ♥
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♥ Lets read, make kids read and spread the love of reading ♥
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The winner is:
Ajeek Syasya
Congrats and we wish your kids happy reading using Kindle!!!