My never-ending Weight Loss Journey…
Journey is supposed to be short term or long…Journey is something that should come to an end in finite amount of time. But this one journey is taking ages for me!!!
Just like many women, I too think that am overweight. it is definitely not figment of my imagination because every possible weighing scale that I climb on scream and tell me the same thing 🙁 So yes, that is the sad reality…

When I was in school & university, I had this “model figure” (read: anorexic almost). That time my parents used to get panicky looking at my weight. 40 KGs for a 20 year old! Now that time was also bad because I used to look like a pale stick…Even if I ate loads of butter, cheese, banana and all possible hi-fat stuff, 40 KGs didn’t become 40.125 KGs also then. Huh! I used to pray n dream that one day I would become this cute, plump, chubby cheeked gal…and Somehow this dream of all the other dreams came true…and in multitudes.
Got job after studies, met my love and got married. Bliss, Marital Bliss started showing up and how!! 40 KGs became 47 KGs in 1-2 years time…I was like Thank God, I look cuter now.
Then came the baby…of course, weight must increase…It became 54 KGs…I was damn happy…Good good keep more weight gain coming.
Daughter was born and in a few months hubby came to SG. I went to my mom’s place for some months before joining him! ! This period was “magical”. I mean 2 months of eating all home food, junk food, restaurant food, sweet food, sour food, spicy food and all things food did don’t-know-what 🙁 🙁 Or I did know? 59 KGs???
When the old dresses almost stared getting torn after I wore them, I woke up. Oh no, 40 KGs to 59 KGs sooo fastttt? Damn, from thin gal, I became over-weight lady already when I came to Singapore.
Ok, every dark cloud has silver lining. That 59 KGs is still 59 KGs…Indeed an achievement isn’t it? One more baby came in, 8-9 years passed but am still 59 KGs!! Yay…
Now somehow, in photos or in person, I don’t look conventionally overweight. I look not that bad. But can’t wear sleeveless because of flabby arms, not very flexible when it comes to running, jumping etc. And that tummy makes me look “ever-pregnant”. Many times I have been offered “priority seat” in the train!!! and my BMI is almost going haywire…
On a serious note, I have no idea how to lose those stubborn 4-5 KGs…I lose that much then I am back to “good shape”. BMI is good then and I can wear all sorts of dresses.
I tried…tried a lot or so do I think…Joined Gym and spent thousands, bought fitness equipment…
Controlled my eating – anyways don’t eat too much but I still controlled…ate less chocolates, ice-creams, ate salads…But tell me how to stop yourself when you have those pizzas, those cheesecakes, those Indian chat items in front of you?? 🙁 🙁
I read famous weight loss books…sometimes, while eating chips 🙁
So yes, these 3-4 KGs have become my constant burden that I want to shed. So what’s the obstacle?? I, Me, Myself!!!
Why can’t I –
- Brisk walk at least 15 mins every day?
- Eat Low-cal food for two whole weeks?
- Why can’t I use those exercise gadgets that are getting dusty and rusted in my stores?
- Why can’t I move my back and do sweeping or mopping without depending on helper?
Hmmm, problem lies within as they say! Either I accept and be happy with a few extra KGs which is perfectly okay as long as it doesn’t affect health in any which way OR just show some determination, little bit of exercise, little bit of diet control and achieve what I want to achieve.
Hope one day I can write a blog post “Flab to Fit – my weight loss achievement”…Amen!!!
Do gimme some sure-shot remedies and motivation tips, suggestions ya all of you…I need them, many of us need too…
Note: This article is purely based on my own thoughts, experiences. The tone of this article is more towards self-assessment and humor. No intention to comment on anyone else. Images are mine and some of them are taken from Internet.
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I am also very health conscious and always worry gaining extra weight. But some times we just have to relax and eat whatever we feel like. I have the same problems with you too, same struggle ?
The moment you stop paying so much attention to it, stop counting calories and stop looking at the numbers is when you start living. Weight loss was a journey for me in my 20’s, not now. I feel and look better than ever when I stopped doing all the above.
I have to say that weight loss is never ending journey! With our hormonal change, stress level, eating habits and genetic factors, it is a real change! The important part is to be fit and healthy rather than being anorexic…haha!
Weight loss….the never ending battle for some. I have been struggling with this since college. I definitely cannot do any fad diets, I have to continually work on my motivation and temptation.
I loved reading each word of this post, I am in the same boat too. Sometimes I just try and forget about it, after the second baby it has increased but is at the same number since last two years. I seriously want to try and start working on my weight and BMI.
I’m with you girl. It seems the older we get the harder it is to shed the weight
You look absolutely beautiful in my opinion but I think its something most of us face.I lost two stone last year (75KG down to 60) after steadily gaining weight prior to that, I’d always been really slim before. I used the Leslie Sansone dvds (in fitting with your 15 minute walks) and they made a huge difference, she even has free 1 mile walks on Youtube that only take 15 mins. As longs as you feel fit and have no issues I think its ok.
I have lost 125 lbs and I can tell you the journey never ends. We need to make healthy choices for the rest of our lives, but that doesn’t mean we can never eat pizza, just eat it in moderation. Budgeting our calories the same way we budget our money is the key.
Wow such a great weight loss journey
must learn how to lose weight fast already like you!? ? ?
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The key is to up the metabolism rate. Eat healthy and every two hours. Not whole meals but fruit or nuts or some dry bhel. Lots of liquids. I lost almost 10 kgs in 3 months due to it.
Ohh Weightloss. I am stuck at 59 too and doing yoga to loose the last 5 kgs.
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eat healthy and do treat yourself every now and again. don’t fully restrict yourself as you can easily cave in
Shall we lose weight together??? I definitely need some exercise and lose some weight. I weigh more than u and I know it’s extremely unhealthy.. 🙁 Boo-hoo~
when there’s a will, there is a way. will be cheering you on! it’s not easy but you are gonna make it!
We are on the same boat! Hahahaha.I also have a problem with my weight now, from 50kg to 61kg…well, that is a stressful one. Hahahaha…WE only need to discipline our eating that’s the only solution we can do to make it right. It start with us (the ME Thing).
Don’t look at the weight loss as a weight loss. Take it as a fitness journey, you will feel better! Keep it up, i know it’s difficult, but it will be better once you are use to it!
Rather than think of it as a “weight loss” journey, think of it as a “fit for life” journey and yes.. this journey is never ending. Don’t give up! You can do it!! Just taking the first step forward is winning already..
Ai @ Sakura Haruka
Losing weight is not easy, must have the perseverance. Most importantly is you must feel good about yourself!
Interesting post that I can totally identify with. I used to be more consistent until I injured my knee and now that we are still waiting for a new helped, those excuses…er…I mean reasons have knocked my momentum off but hope to regain it soon….soon. My motivation? Well….to live long enough to be those doting grandpa to my kids’ kids so that my kids in future can enjoy the the convenience of those lucky couples who have grandparents to babysit their kids….cos right now we don’t….
I think at some point of time we all are struck at weight which we can’t get rid off.
Thanks for the good reminder… need to start exercising n eating healthier!!! I love to eat thus I need to cook… hope to read ur next blog update on ur progress. Jia yu
Jamie Chaw
Haha! You should read Ai’s blog often for some inspiration! Like you, I am almost always struggling with my weight. I don’t have a sure-win method for you, but perhaps you can try counting calories? I used to do that and I can lose up to 8kg a year!
Same here, trying to cut down those stubborn fats for years.. Sigh still there! Eating less but I can’t resist yummy food..
I think you still look good! Not so much about the weight but about building strength and stamina (we need those to chase after the kiddos don’t we haha), you can try 10 to 15 mins exercises every day with YouTube videos. Convenient and provides a variety of options 😉
Yeah. I knew how tough is it to even maintain. But regular exercise or workout really help and of course coupled with cutting down the food portion.
I think on our small asian frames, a ‘normal’ weight somehow makes us look ‘overweight’ so it’s really obvious when we aren’t in shape. I feel you.
I never had problem with my weight when I was younger because I had always been on the thin side. As I grow older though, I am admittedly getting soft in the middle now, and will have to face this problem soon.
As long as you feel good and is happy with your lifestyle. Like what my friends say, we can always worry about dieting after the “next” buffet 🙂
cheers, Andy
I feel you. Ever since I moved back to my mom’s nest, I increased significantly. I can’t say no to her cooking and it’s hard to control my diet when I eat them. I’d like to hear the suggestions thrown in here and I hope I get the discipline to help me shed off those extra kilos. 🙂
It really is neverending because your goals change as you improve so you always want to be better 😀
I think when it comes to weight loss, you just have to go with something that makes you happy. Sometimes, people deprive themselves that it does not feel sustainable. You may lose a lot, gain a little and just go on with the continuous process as long as you can be consistent.
I’ll try everthing to lower my food intake but in vain. As always, I ended up craving for more food. But sometimes I winder ehy on earth do we have to tone down our food intake? Hoping for the best that I could maintain my healthy lifestyle afterall. Same process of your experiences…same for me too! But how?
Walking doesn’t seem like a workout because you get to see the lovely sights around your neighborhood, aside from that you also get to relax. That’s one of my favorites physical activities that also help keep the weight down. Give it a try, maybe it will help you!
For me , I still maintain my eating habit as I love food to much and at the same time I go for exercise. I see the result but it take time.
Hye dear….!! Probably cover some distance with walking? And try drinking those infuse drinks every morning…
I also started eat healthy, drink teatox and exercise. I avoided ice and caffeine. My target is weight before married. Hahaha
All the best!
It’s life-time battle for most of the women out there, jia you everyone 🙂
Oh no I guess that I have the same problem as you! hahaha I always wanted to cut off some extra fats but ends up eating up alot of good food. I guess determination is really important!
neverending all right.. we are never satisfied with our weight 😀
Last couple of months I too gained a couple kilos and of late my dinner has only been fruits. Yet to weigh myself again. Lets see..
do planking for 2 min everyday consistently is what i suggest ..haha
Your body weight was just 40kg before married? My lowest weight is 47kg when I was teenagers. =(
I also tried almost everything under the sun. even drank only liquids for 8 days and not a single bite of food, only to lose 2kg. Went to slimming centres, paying 8k plus, 5k plus for slimming diet food. Purging food.
I finally stopped and told myself that as long as I am not going to give up my favourite food, I am not going to spend a single ringgit more. I had to stop or it will never end.
I always start with small steps when it comes to weight loss. I use less sugar, less salt, take more fruits, and avoid fast food and junk food. Hopefully that helps! Good luck!
At least you have been married with kids too. I have weight issues ever since I reached late 30s. Now at early 40s still in pain battling the weight problem and to make thing worst when Doc diagnosed I need knee replacement and the only thing to do is to shed some weight first. Ahhhhhh…I am trying my best too. Sometimes I feel like not eating anymore but this will lead to other disease.Haihhh…
I know how you feel,… I have to be constantly trying to take off 10 kg from my 65 kg… huhuhuh
Zumba is an effective way of losing weight. I have friends who lost so much weight after Zumba-ing. As for me, I still haven’t started moving my butt yet.
Balance is all it takes… u can have a pizza.. just not all the time.. my problem is not having enought time to cook a nice healthy proper meal and instead opt for fastfood- easy and fast.. huhuhuhu
I actually enjoying every sentence of this blog…because I went through the same experience…yup! 40kg to whooping 67 kg then stuck to 49kg now…but still got this “ever pregnant belly”. Just love to cooked and Eat. Can’t give a good advice on this…lol!