I had and still have dreams though am not a hard-core and conventional dreamer. I do believe the quote that if you can dream it then you can do it. It is just that even my dreams keep me grounded to the reality which itself is quite nice.
When I was a kid, I had a dream of being a teacher. My pretend plays were always centered on teaching imaginary students aka dolls and other toys. Coincidentally, that dream did come true and though not a teacher; but I became a Trainer Consultant – Imparting IT knowledge to corporates, doing curriculum design, client consultancy and development of course ware and so on. So yes, doing my job is like living my dream already!
On the personal front, I always dreamt of Prince Charming who would be tall, handsome with a sharp nose, supportive man who would love me loads and spoil me crazy. He would be someone who is not a goody-goody man but would call spade a spade and make me realize my mistakes. Yeah, my hubby is my dream man. And those 2 lovely kids of ours – they are straightaway from my dreams too!!
So now? Should I stop dreaming? Since most of my dreams look like achieved already. Oh no, no ways!! That cannot be the case. That must not be the case because when you cease to dream, you cease to live! It is never too late to dream a new dream.
So here I am – trying to weave some new dreams and working hard to make it a reality. Will I be able to attain my dreams? I will try my best…
Own that Beach-side Home –
I love beaches. They travel you to a different world altogether. They make you realize the infinite power of nature and how small you are in this whole game called Life! Sea has that calming, enchanting impact that sobers you down.
I would love to live in a beautiful home that is standing proudly on the beach. Many times I have seen this home in my dreams – drenched in the golden orange sunrise and silvery moonlight, this home is the perfect place for my loved ones and me!

Start Shelter for Stray Furkids –
I have been an animal lover since childhood. Once upon a time, I used to take care of at least 3-4 stray cats and their kittens at the same time. Though I loved them and took care of them, I had to ignore a few others with heavy heart because of lack of time and resources.
I had to see them dying under cars, falling prey to diseases and hunger. Since that time, there is this dream urge to do something worthwhile for these best friends of humans. Be it dogs, cats, birds or horses or any other furkid that is in distress would find solace in my shelter.
There would be treats, toys, medicines for them and most importantly love and care that furkids truly deserve. I sincerely pray to accumulate enough funds to shape up this dream into reality!
Visit London –
London has been lingering on my mind since childhood. London Bridge, Big Ben even those double decker buses and tube stations keep calling me in my dreams. There is a strange connect with all things London with me.
London has its own unique charm and I can simply go gaga at the mere mention of Buckingham Palace, Thames River, and Selfridges. There is so much to see, so much to shop and so much to eat in London.
One of my dreams is to visit London, Shop and Eat till I drop!! Looking forward to making it real really very soon.
Let the Earth be the Green Planet again –
How Mother Earth must be hundreds and thousands years ago? Adorned with greenery and surrounded by cool cool icebergs and blue seas, it must be heaven for sure. Now what are we making of her? – Concrete jungle with barren lands, melting icebergs amidst the terrible threat of global warming…Will our next generation survive on this planet? Time to act already.
So making the Earth Go Green is a collective dream of many of us I am sure and if we all work together, it is not impossible to achieve.
We all can contribute in our small little ways – planting as many plants as we can, saving water, Reduce, Reuse and Recycle stuff and making kids equally responsible towards Mother Nature. It is indeed possible to make our planet the most beautiful place again.
These were a few of my dreams. How about you…What are your dreams? Care to share?
#GoBearDreams Contest – Stand a chance to win $10,000 CASH!
GoBear, your friendly bear that provides unbiased comparison for various financial products wants you and people in Singapore to share your ambitions and dreams. Be as creative and interesting as possible in sharing your dream and submit a 30 seconds video here along with your personal details. The best submission wins the grand prize of $10,000 CASH funding by GoBear to fulfil your dream! Check out the video of a sweeper’s outrageous dream being fulfilled thanks to getting a loan on GoBear at https://youtu.be/anusrlpnOhQ.
Other than the grand prize of $10,000 cash, the most popular video of the week gets to win prizes such as a yoga class package or a free co-working space subscription under The Working Capitol.
Contest period: 29 June to 29 July 2016.
So Dream Big and Make it Happen! Visit https://www.gobear.com.sg/dreams now.
Note: This is a sponsored post but all opinions, views, experiences are purely mine. Would you like to collaborate with RainbowDiaries? Drop us a line on [email protected] / Fill this contact form.
Great wisdom Donald. I recently wrote a very similar post regarding our need to not limit our dreams and think beyond ourselves. It is the life source of fulfillment.
Your article will inspire people to go after their dreams even if you don’t achieve it, you would be very much closer to it. The experiences you shared will improve peoples mentality to have a you-can-do-it attitude to their dreams and achieve them also.
I never thought of writing my dreams and sharing it with other people. Maybe I should do so and law of attraction will strike in! 🙂 Thanks for sharing yours!
Really nice dreams to dream and think about. I enjoyed reading this article.
You met the most important goal with your appreciated family. 🙂 It is def.something to appreciate.
Beautiful dreams dear and wish that your dreams come true soon.
Always go for the biggest dreams. Happy for you
I dream of having a nice cabin by the side of the lake, to write a book, and to explore Europe, especially Greece, Italy, Finland, Germany, France, Spain… and the list is endless. I often balance also my dreams and reality, if they are achievable. It’s just surprising because some of the things I do now, I’ve dreamt of doing – like focusing more on writing and having my own column in a newspaper. My New Zealand trip was even unexpected. The world seemed to have conspired for me. 🙂
Beautiful dreams!!! My heartiest wishes for you to fulfil all of them…
Great idea to actually list down your bucket list. A bucket list is usually just in our mind. Having it listed down would actually inspire us to achieve the list.
Dream big for dreams are that free. Love your dreams, quite attainable. I guess, environment is a big factor on how can achieve his/her dreams.
Awww this post is so inspiring and it reminds me to keep dreaming. At this point in my life, I thought I have already reached my dreams. Now I have to start writing new ones so I can live every day with something that motivates me. Sharing your dreams can even give the chance to win a cash prize. Awesome!
Dreams are reachable when you are very determined to reach it with your own ways. You can do good things, try harder in life, save for what you are aiming for in life.
I think having a beach side home would be a nice dream. Though I would also want to have one in the mountains with a rich nature view.
Dreams keep us alive and motivated and it’s important to have them all throughout our lives! Your dreams are all about sharing what you have and it’s really beautiful!
I loved the idea of the pet shelter! I want to do something like that as well. Hopefully one day I will actually be able to. Thanks for sharing!
yeah! DAre to dream big no matter what! thanks for sharing your dream 🙂 Mine is simple, wish I can quit my full time job and work on my art passion 🙂 cheers, siennylovesdrawing
So geram the last picture because it is a cat lol! Can’t resist cats at all. GoBear Malaysia was my client once lol
Visit London is one of my dream too!! I believe every dreams may come true with your hardworks on it! Good luck to you! 🙂
That’s cool dear, wish all ur dreams come true and good luck in winning ya!
I dream to bring my family for a Europe holiday – on me. Hehe.
Kudos GoBear!
Love your dreams! Wish those participants good luck in winning
yes! sharing the same dream of letting the earth goes green again. we are too polluted already~
Visiting London is also one of my bucket list goals! All the best in the competition!! 🙂
This looks like an interesting and meaningful competition to join! Brings back our dream we once had and we might has the chance to make it come true!
I hope one day i can travel to everywhere i wanted.
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I do understand sometimes feel tired and wanna let go our dreams, but only dreams motivate us to make it come true. If Malaysia have this competition, just count me in will do.
I wonder who will have their dreams come true! How exciting
Dream somehow motivates us to realize it in our lives, so there’s no wrong to dream big. Looking forward to have it in M’sia haha
so cute la.. i wanna have a BEARY big dream too. travel everywhere!
I will take part in this competition if in Malaysia ~ I wanna revisit my dreamplace , London again!!
Thanks for sharing your dreams. We all have them, some come true, some doesn’t. Money can make more dreams come true! All the best in the competition.
wow… I hope they have this kind of competition and opportunity here in Malaysia someday….