I was trying to figure out certain behavioural traits of my 10-year old daughter and 4-year old son.
How they will behave in a certain situation? When they are presented with a particular scenario, what will be their reaction? How they will tackle it spontaneously? How to enhance their creativity as well as overall logic?
Invite to try out People Impact’s IQ/EQ Program came at the right time. June holidays were on. Hubby and me both decided to head to People Impact’s newly opened West Coast Plaza branch along with kids.
The first impression was good – West Coast Plaza is a cozy place, less crowded. People Impact’s branch here is a brand new and it is all clean, bright and conducive for kids to focus, have fun and learn. I found the teachers also friendly and confident – especially my daughter’s teachers were very nice.
Two kids went into two different classes. Totally with strangers and I decided to take turns, do some observation and photo taking for both of them. We deliberately didn’t decide to sit-in the whole session of 1.5 hours. When parents are around, kids might not show their true colors. Ha ha..

First things first, What is People Impact?
People Impact is the market leader in providing intelligence training to children and they are almost 14 years old! People Impact focuses on enhancing various soft skills, such as communication, heightening self-esteem, leadership skills, money and time management, arithmetic & linguistic reasoning, creativity and critical thinking.
In creating a curriculum for children in Asia, People Impact has invested over US$4 million in Research and Development, inviting leading professors from Harvard, MIT, Michigan University, Washington University and University of Hong Kong. Upholding the belief that scientifically proven education can better our children and future, together, they led a team of educators from both Western and Oriental cultures to develop the core of all People Impact programs.
What kind of Programs it offers?
There are 3 main programs –
1. IQ/EQ Program –
Many children are talented in so many ways. Some have extreme music talents, while others have great memory, good grades or creativity abilities. To fully foster our children’s potential, we must pay full attention to the early brain development and ensure its whole development in order to achieve greater overall accomplishment.
Beside enhancing on our children cognitive learning, socio-emotional skills are crucial for our children to develop as well especially in this 21st century.
Through a series of fun and interesting learning activities, students will enhance both cognitive and socio-emotion development skills.
RainbowDiaries’ kids tried this session. Detailed information about modules of this program, click here.
2. AQ Program –
Our 21st century is flooded with advanced knowledge and concepts, and no longer will model answers be accepted. To succeed, it is crucial to develop strong critical thinking and reasoning powers to face the daily challenges and learn how to complete tasks productively. People who can think out of the box with multiple solutions will be a strong asset in future. Think Impact assists students in their learning ‘how’ to think more effectively and productively, aiming for higher grades and fun learning. Read more about modules covered in this program here.
3. Baby Program –
Unlike other baby training doing singing and bouncing, Baby Impact provides professional and systematic educational programs for 0 – 3 years old babies from sensory awareness, motor skills, to problem solving, and even social personal enhancement. We have strong commitments in training every baby to reach his or her full potential. Through a variety of stimulation, exposure and instructive trainings, every baby can receive a well-rounded development. Check out the details here.
What happened in our Trial Session?
Daughter’s Trial Session –
In daughter’s session, older kids were there. All Primary going kids to be specific. After quick intro, they were assigned a series of tasks – ranging from easy to complex, physical and mental, individual and group. I found the mix of activities very interesting. Let me show you some pics –
Have a look at some of the activities. Teachers kept on changing them throughout the session. Some were easy and others need thinking. Kids were given some points based on their performance in each activity.
Teachers for my daughter’s session were awesome! Very friendly, confident, sharp. They were dealing with active kids so effortlessly. They were conducting the session with multitude of activities and at the same time were evaluating the strengths / weakness of each kid. I am sure they were experts! Per class, they have 2 teachers. I found teacher:kids ratio proper for these kind of sessions.
All the materials for the session was neat, clean and readily available for kids. No mess, quite well-organized 🙂
A bit complex stuff as the session progressed…Write down 10 five letter words starting with “S”. Hmmmm, I was scratching my head too.
Good to see my daughter focusing…
Some physical activities were there too. Jump n land in the ring.
Have-To vs Want-To was another activity making kids understand the difference between tasks that they have to do and stuff they want to do. I liked this concept a lot.
I ensured that I don’t disturb the session and distract my girl. After some photos, I stepped out.
Meanwhile, what was my 4-year doing??
Son’s Trial Session –
This session was more for younger kids. All cute pre-schooler kids were part of the class. Again, after quick intro, they were presented their set of activities. For adults, of course, the activities were easy but think from these kids’ point of view…and yes, a bit challenging but at the same time fun! Again two teachers per class.
For younger kids, there were lesser number of activities…All activities nicely organized on multiple stations – neat, clean and safe materials were used.
My boy did quite well in these activities. Little bit distraction is bound to happen because at this age, attention span may not be too long. But these activities were good for building focus and promoting eye-hand coordination and motor skills.
This picking of balls with straws activity needed great concentration…
I sat-in through this session only for some time and left my boy with teachers and other students. Last activity was Dinosaur hunting I think because later my son was jumping with joy and was telling that he could find 2 dinos.
People Impact’s West Coast Plaza branch has nice ambiance and parents can relax while kids are in the class. Alternatively, they can have some drinks / food or take a stroll around this mall.
Younger kids can play in the small playarea while waiting for their classes.
What happened after the Session?
After the session, teachers Neil and Khogi called in all parents and explained them the overall purpose, flow of the session. They also share their findings about the kids individually with each parent.
I found their reading for my daughter almost exact!! How they knew about her behavioral traits, strengths and areas of improvement in such a short duration of 1.5 hours? amazing…
For my son too the teachers highlighted certain things that as parents, hubby and me definitely agree with. 🙂 🙂
What’s next?
Am considering to enroll my girl for monthly sessions at People Impact!!! I would give 4-4.5 out 5 for this trial session for sure!
Great teachers, curriculum that focuses on IQ and EQ both for the holistic development of kids, edutainment factor with Fun n Learn approach, Branches available at convenient locations, Industry experience of many years are Plus-es that People Impact surely have.
You want to try too?
Interested parents can sign up for a single trial session at $5/child (U.P $20) OR a special one month regular class package at $288 (U.P $588). Please quote ‘RainbowDiaries Blog’ when you register to enjoy this offer. Offer expires one month from the published date of this article. However, parents can sign up first with this special offer and arrange for a later date to come for the lesson.
More info:
Website: http://www.people-impact.com.sg/
213 Upper Thomson Road Level 3 Singapore 574348
Tel: +65 64514908
1 Marine Parade Central, #09 – 08 Parkway Center Singapore 449408
Tel: +65 6440 5520
180 Kitchener Road #08-01
Singapore 208539
Tel: +65 6509 6570
3 Tampines Central 1 Abacus Plaza
Singapore 529540
Tel: +65 6694 8380
154 West Coast Road #01-74
Singapore 127371
Tel: +65 6635 8573
Note: We were invited for the trial class of People Impact. All opinions, views, experiences are solely ours. Would like to collaborate with RainbowDiaries? Drop us a line at [email protected] OR click here.
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i believe that our kids nowadays are more intelligent and fast learner because of the technology that we all have now
Oh I wish they would bring that in Manila! I’d love to take my homeschooler there.
Impact has an interesting module to educate children. I believe it’s special way of teaching will surely create a positive effect to its students.
I think this is great especially if you want to improve your child’s social skills. It will help boost their confidence as well.
For those parents who can afford, it better to send their children to child development center for these kind of courses. Once they are familiar with it they will be able to take up more challenge in life when they grow up.
This looks like a fun program. When I have kids in the future, I would like to enroll them here so they could be smarter.
Interesting that they offer such evaluations for young kids. I am sure I would score very low on this when I was a child. I am painfully shy and a loner, even occasionally nowadays.
They really have interesting programs. I bet your kids had enjoyed their session here. I just hope that they’ll be expanding their business across Asia so that every interested parent can enroll their kids.
This is such an interesting concept! We need more places like this in Manila 😀
Interesting. Kids seem to be enjoying it all!! Good to see EQ being given much importance.
I am really for the development of both IQ and EQ. Some methods concentrate only on the IQ that EQ is often placed on the sideline. But it is also vital in the overall development of a person. This seems like a good institution with a good program.
I think giving the kids a lot of time to interact with other kids their age can really help them develop. They learn new things and at the same time become more aware of people around them.
Parents should observed their children like what you did for IQ/EQ. Yes, and this positive impact is a must indeed!
These sessions are great. The kids really like and adore those activities. Thanks for sharing
So glad that there is one at Parkway, will pop by later:)
This is a really interesting program. The children look like they are having a lot of fun!
Seems like a really interesting program and the kids look like they had fun 🙂 It’s pretty amazing how they got an accurate reading of your kids’ traits, strengths and area for improvement in just one session!
The angle on IQ/EQ is interesting. I think both are equally important. Affordable too.
It’s interesting to see more such enrichment programme offering IQ/EQ classes sprang up in recent years. West Coast Plaza is not too far from us, we’ll check it out someday!
I think this is really s good program for kids. I think it’s really helpful one and parents must admit their kids for this program
This is so good to identify a child’s inclination and interest and to put him where he or she will perform her or his best! I think it is important to understand your child nowadays!
Oh wow this is interesting. I never knew there was such a facility. Plus can start as young as babies! Will look into it. Thanks for sharing
Hmmmm I want to bring Bubba to try. There’s one near my place in Parkway!
The activities look interesting! Your kids looked like they really love it and I like the debrief for the parents at the end of the session 🙂
Vivien ( Beautiful Chaos )
Wow. That’s a very high review score. Interesting program. I’ve always believed having EQ is more important than having a high IQ.