First of all RainbowDiaries wishes all of you a very very Happy Mother’s Day!
We are bringing you something special this Mother’s Day – No giveaways, No gifts, nothing usual…We are instead having a 2-part treat for you to read, to retrospect and to love your mom. First post where four ladies from four different generations bound by the common thread of love expressed their feelings.
and…In this particular post, we feature some of our favorite moms in Singapore…They are just like you n me and still awesome in their own unique ways…Read more about them, their motherhood experiences and get a glimpse of their lives. Heartwarming!!
Sarika Bhatnagar – RainbowDiaries knows Sarika as a mild-mannered gentlewoman who is equally determined and hardworking. She takes every little task very seriously and completes it to perfection. Read what she says about herself.

I am Sarika- a former educator, a homemaker, mum of two lovely girls, and an active member of PSG executive committee in my daughter’s school. I love volunteering as it keeps me occupied and close to children where you feel young and energetic always.
I came to Singapore 9 years back with my extremely supportive husband. With him around, I manage my responsibilities as a mother with breeze.
While raising my kids I do spare some time to pursue my interests as well like learning new concepts to update myself, photography, baking and sometimes writing.
Being a SAHM I believe spending time with your kids when they are small is the best experience of your life. Kids grow up so fast that few years from now we start to wish we have spend more time with them.
I am social and love to be connected with my family and friends always.
Sunita Rikame – This smart and sporty woman is our dear friend and RainbowDiaries can talk to her on any damn topic any time of the day! Very helpful and active, Sunita shares a bit about herself.
I have been living in Singapore for quite some time with my wonderful husband and a daughter – Narayani. I am proud to be a sportsperson who has been working in the field of sports development for last 15 years.
Being a mother has changed me? Yes and No. Narayani completes our family and I am proud to do everything possible for her. At the same time, I choose to pursue my own interest in Sports, Gym and Exercise via my own venture – a FitSPA where I combine beauty treatments and exercise for the overall healthy lifestyle. I believe I can actually imbibe the importance of sports and social activities on Narayani this way.
I love to organize kids events and always ensure that am a part of them. Proud to say that Narayani too loves them. Am happy to see her growing to be a beautiful girl who loves dancing. Now that she has started going to school. my days have become busier but am not complaining at all.
I would like to state that though am a bit unconventional, am every bit of a mother – caring, loving and nagging!
Purvi Merai – We have not met her personally yet but looking forward to meet her soon. RainbowDiaries can surely say that this beautiful woman has a very vibrant and creative personality. Lets read what she says.
I am Purvi Merai, a part time baker and a full time mom of a cute and ever so curious 4 year old.
I used to be a flight attendant before I got married and moved to Singapore to be with my husband. I quit my airline ticketing and customer service related job here in Singapore when we decided to start a family.
A new chapter of the life began when we had our son Veer and for me the life changed a lot! I decided to be a SAHM as I didn’t want to miss out on any of those precious moments of motherhood. Being a mom has made me a better person in all ways. It’s quite challenging to do everything without any extra help but I am glad I can pursue my passion for baking along with managing household chores.
Me n my husband both are big foodies and love travelling. Our short trips once in every few months help me to rejuvenate and start afresh. I do admire those ladies who manage full time job and home efficiently and I also plan to do so in future when my son grows up a bit.
As of now I am happy baking for my little one, friends and family and bringing a smile on their faces through my sweet treats. Life as a Mom has made me more confident, has revealed to me my inner strength and has given me a chance to relive my childhood again through my son.
Saraswathy Iyer – Sara is our guest writer and food blogger. In fact, RainbowDiaries took inspiration from her when we started this blog. Calm and quiet Sara is a master of many arts. She always has this soothing effect on whoever she meets. Here she goes.
“Mother” the word seems happy and joyous to every women. Every women goes through so many changes in her life, this is one of the major change too. It is a challenging task for women who goes through stages from Daughter, Wife, Daughter in law, Mom, Mom in law, Grandmother. She goes through emotionally a lot in each situation. All 9 months she patiently waits to see a happy and smiling baby.
The happiness I get cant be expressed or felt – it’s an experience to be experienced. I am blessed with two wonderful boys Siddarth and Sushanth. I am a very happy and content Mom. Love both my boys. My hubby who is a gem of a person is always there to help me with little thing. As a family, we love to do cycling together.
There are so many things I have to do everyday – kids schools, cooking, other housework. But I ensure that I find some time for my social media adventures – my blog and my forum SINdiapore. I volunteer and organize for CC events too. This all keeps me busy and sane.
After becoming a mom, I have started to love my Mom even more. I have learnt all from cooking, managing home, relatives, neighbours, joint family from my mom and my aunts. We were a joint family of around 20 people living in a same house. Have seen mom and granny managing full house chores, they are so dedicated and affectionate.
Living abroad is a challenging task to every women so as mine managing your family, home, inlaws, guests, kids, friends and your passion. Yes, all women are multitasking and pulls off everything so perfectly. Keep yourself strong and keep family happy.
Motherhood can be tiring but I don’t complain at all because the happiness it gives is much more.
Priyanka Nagarkar – another lady whom we have met only through whatsapp. RainbowDiaries love her full of life positive attitude, big smile and beautiful hair. She must be the life of every party! She shares about her here.
“The moment a child is born, a mother is also born.”
I could truly relate to this quote after the delivery of my one year old son – Arjun.I am Priyanka born and brought up in a beautiful city of Pune, India now staying in Singapore since the last 1 year. After working as a German translator for 5 years, I was totally independent and career oriented and I loved my freedom. I could never imagine me being a mother. Must say that my world completely changed after Arjun’s birth.
We shifted to Singapore and managing a baby alone in Singapore was definitely a herculean task. With no domestic help and a completely new task of raising your own kid drove me nuts. But the past experience of 1 year stay in Germany and a cooperative husband eased my life to a great extent. We share our chores and he helps me in cooking sometimes.
Earlier I used to cook and manage the household during Arjun’s naptimes and used to get very tired when he used to be awake n playful. Now with certain time management ideas, I complete the household chores and cooking activities when he is awake by narrating a story to him or singing rhymes. So that whenever he sleeps, I get to rest too.
At this point of time my life completely revolves around him and I sometimes miss my carefree and independent life, but I have no regrets and I enjoy every moment spent with him. He makes this beautiful journey of motherhood worthwhile.
Reshma Mohan – The first thing we noticed about her is her height. This tall mommy is a soft skills trainer. She is enthusiastic and passionate about all her work. Lets read what she says about momhood.
One beautiful day, when I thought I was sick due to outside food I had previous day making me tired and vomit, it was my sister who told me, that might be a little bundle of gift from god to this beautiful world through me to make my life happier and colorful. And yes, that was the day I became a MOM.
MOTHERHOOD – A magical word, that brought magic in my life (in most of our mom’s life), and the best thing about this is, it has changed me completely to be patient and smile more. Carrying the little one for 9 months has made me do all the things which I generally do not like to do such as listening to some lovely and divine music, eating good food, most importantly exercising. I still remember the moments when my little one used to kick me inside when I take something cold or sweet which again makes me feel heaven.
Having got the little one in my hands I would stay awake the whole night just to watch him sleeping and playing with him. Its almost 30 months since I had a good sleep at nights but I still love it staying next to my little one as he snuggles under me. Every single thing he does, makes me happy. His first looks, his first scream, his first smile, his first giggles, his first word, his first step, his first food and all other firsts makes my happiness last forever. Now that his first day at school makes me very proud, I donk know why! I spend most of the time with him as I am a stay at home mom and I feel proud and happy for being so.
But these 30 months I have realized one more thing! There is another person who would have undergone the same some years’ back to give me life, and that’s my MOM. A person who lives for us as how we live for our children. Love u ma!
On this Mothers’ day, wishing every single MOM a very happy Mother’s Day and thanking god for having given me chance to be a mother!
Payal Bukkawar – This mom is young, smart and sassy. RainbowDiaries have always found that with her you can be yourself. She is an easy-going personality. Her bit on her life as a mom…
Hi all mommies, I am Payal – a SAHM of a beautiful daughter “Swara”. Motherhood is a continuous learning process and I must say that am learning so many new things every single day.
I believe that children are like MIRRORS,what you do they simply REFLECT .& They are like a CLAY dough also at this stage. Its our duty to mould them in a proper SHAPE. So we are having the whole responsibility to make them grow in a proper way. All their GOOD & Bad qualities reflect us only.
So my dream is make her a Good Human being first, then help and guide her to achieve her own dream comes true.For that We( Me & My Hubby) should be their living role models. Hope we are doing our best. We are trying to give her as many new experiences as we can. Be it short trips, exploring Singapore, making new friends, celebrating birthdays with other kids and many more.
I would love to see Swara grown up to be a great girl and a good human being.
Gayathri Tata – Now, this is one super creative Mummy. Always busy, participating in different events, She has her own arts venture and loved by her students. She writes here about what motherhood means to her.
If I start talking about my motherhood, words are less.
My right eye is Geet and Left eye is Deep and my heart is to my beloved husband. Both the girls gave me great experiences of lively motherhood with their Love Tantrums, achievements, reaching mile stones, practices, many new things to learn, to be strong all the time.
Geet made me to bring out the entrepreneurial character in me. She brought out my artistic quality out. My venture is GRT Artland which is named after her. Deep gives me more challenging life style with her. As she has only Tomatoes in her menu and Strawberries for snack. Almost made made a nutritionist without a degree.
I still have a lot more to learn through this sweet Motherhood. Cheers and happy Mother’s Day to all!!
Lakshita Ramnani – This petite mom wants always the best for her family. Her beautiful Princess we simply adore. Be it any events or contests, Lakshita makes sure that she participates (and wins). Read on her take on motherhood.
We all have heard many quotes about motherhood before. Example: “Being a full time mother is one of the highest salary job since the payment is pure love” “A mother is a disciplinarian and friend .Mother is the one who sacrifices many things for their children.” “God couldn’t be everywhere and therefore he made mother” and so on. All this I experienced when I became a Mom.
I would say first my daughter is my strength.My day starts with waking up my daughter for school and making her ready, preparing for her breakfast and lunch. I have learned so many things and learnt to take responsibilities. Without her I couldn’t have done all this. Sometime kids also teach us things we can even expect.
A mother is a role model for daughter. We build a relationship stronger with the time we spend. I always talk to my daughter openly about any issues .I would say to build a stronger bond between mother and daughter is to give love, affection and appreciation. I often use these words to my daughter `love you`. She knows how our love is and she never has to worry about losing anything.
Christy Thangaraj – Well, She’s not a mom. This bubbly banker messaged us on our Facebook page and send us this tribute for her mom…Read on…
I am in Singapore for the past 8 years now. As a Banker, it’s kinda challenging with the crazy number of work hours, but I love life in Singapore. A fabulous country with fantastic people all around. I have met some amazing folks out here!! 🙂
I still remember the day when I rushed back to Mumbai from Singapore when Amma was admitted to the ICU. I wasn’t allowed inside but I requested the doctors, “I’ll just see her quickly and step out without disturbing her.”
I go in and see numerous tiny tubes and wires from different parts of her body and am like.. NO! Amma cannot be this sick.. She is always waving at me at the airport when I come to Bombay.
In the midst of my thoughts, she opens her eyes. Raises her hand slowly and I hold it tight. As tears roll from her eyes she smiles looking at me..before I could get hold of myself, she manages to say naa nalla thaan irrukkuren ma.. Née eppidi irruke?!? ( I am good only dear, how are you?)
I kiss her forehead. I was weak as I couldn’t control myself, but she wasn’t. She was strong, really really strong.
This episode is etched in my mind, body and soul, in a happy way too. It’s my daily strength to face life no matter what turn it takes. I get the strength from her.
Whenever I falter, one call to Amma and am back on track. Haha…!
I would also like to thank Appa on this Mothers Day. Thank you Appa for all the love you shower on her, we Love you!
Happy Happy Mother’s day to all the Mommies out there!
Kavita Singh – Kavita is our fellow Facebooker, runs some happening Facebook groups and she ever-so-helpful! Kind and gentle, Kavita is a woman of few words. But when it comes to action, she is swift! We are proud of her. Why? Read on…
Motherhood is definitely a roller-coaster ride for all moms. That witty morning sickness during pregnancy, that six month long wake up night shift after delivery but as well as that excitement, happiness and heavenly feeling of nurturing a new life within your body gives a mixture of emotions in your whole journey.
I was on the same way during my elder one born , but 4 years back on a bright day of 5th may I became a special mom.
I delivered my twin boys ‘Anay’ and ‘ Arnay’ on that day. It made my journey super busy and super excited. But all shattered after just 25 days after that, as i came to know that ‘Arnay’ had a complicated heart defect.
Immediately he needed surgery, it took 7-8 hours for his tiny heart surgery nd he got implanted a pace maker too at the age of only 28 days. After that i tried to take my motherhood journey to the normal track… and i did.
I was very very busy with all special and loving care of all my 3 kids. Everything was going well until that dark night, when ‘Arnay’ suddenly collapsed at KK hospital emergency child section.
He struggled 10 days after that on ventilator, but finally declared brain dead and left me. It revealed later that it was all due to a common viral infection of cold.
My whole world shattered after this. I was suddenly all alone with no friends here. It took 1 year to me to find a new myself, i was totally changed now and my angel son guided me with a new positivity of life. Now i have a new vision of life and have many new dreams and aims in life. I want to connect more and more people with each other and want to support anybody who need any type of help.
So this was my still-on-the-way motherhood journey and I can proudly say now that i am a mother of 2 super kids and one angel.
Happy mother’s day to all you super moms!
Nothing more to say…just Value your mother, you get only one and only once!
PS: This post is a collage of information sent by all these supermoms. Contents and Photos belong to them and RainbowDiaries and are copyrighted! Cannot be reproduced in any which way without our prior permission. Want to collaborate with us? Drop a line – [email protected]
Motivating and heart Touching stories of all the Super strong mommies !! Beautiful ?
Take effort and time to gather all these amazing lovely real testimonial. Thanks.
love reading and identifying with these Singapore moms about their life as a mother daily struggles and the blessings that come along, it’s definitely an amazing journey
happy belated Mother’s Day! 😀 so good to be able to know so many amazing moms out there
Inspiring stories of mums never fails to touch the hearts of many! I have so much to learn from all of them as a new mom (coming 2yrs) myself hehe
Awww! I love the concept of this post and the way you took the testimonials from these moms.
Happy Mother’s Day and congrats to all the mom that were selected.
lovely and warm picture!!! happy belated mummy day!!!
such a good piece to read – for me to understand my mother better. Happy mother’s day for all mothers out there!
Belated Happy Mother’s Day! The perfect day to honor moms like you!
Aww such meaningful messages. Its nice to see mom’s smile 🙂
Seems like you have a strong community of women all with their own strengths and all super moms. Love this!
It takes a very special person to be a mom and i loved reading the stories of these wonderful women! 🙂
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms!!! I really admire every mom in the world regardless of what status they have. Knowing that all the hard work they do is for their family, indeed, they are the best among the rest!
Happy Mothers Day to you Shubhadha! Its just incredibly difficult task to manage being mom!!! Hats off to all of you…
what a good inspiration in this Mother’s Day ~ ^^
So many great moms and stories. It’s inspiring how they made their family their first priority.
Happy mother’s day to all you Mommy bloggers of Singapore. It was very good to meet all of you on this article. Motherhood is really a worldwide miracle we should always celebrate.
Happy Mother’s Day to you and to all the moms out there! Mothers are the best gifts we can have. A mother’s love is truly precious – selfless and unconditional. 🙂
What a sweet post! It’s always nice to recognize everything moms do. Not much could be accomplished without them! 🙂
Great post, thanks for sharing with us so many inspiration stories here 🙂
It’s really true that we start to love and appreciate our parents once we stand in their shoes as well. We get to learn more about the hardships and the patience they have been through and their efforts to raise us well.
I will always salute mothers in the world as i proud of them. They raised us up with care and never ask for return. Happy Mother’s day to these beautiful women.
What a lovely tribute to amazing mothers! You are all very admirable and it’s nice getting to know you from this post. Thanks for sharing the lovely details from your lives. Happy Mother’s Day!
What a beautiful story! cant wait to be a mom 😀
Happy mothers day !
i find it so nice of you to bring out the kid for runs and walk too! a healthy family 🙂
This is a nice post and good to read about moms, I know some of them and good to read more about them.
Lovely to have so many strong focused women(mothers) with their own little feature. All from different walks of life juggling everything to be the best possible mum. Mother and child bond is the strongest thing
Your kid looks cute with superman outfit. Great outings!
amazing wish… wish all mother happy mothers day!!
Mother’s Love is powerful! Happy belated mother’s day =)
What a beautiful dedication to mothers! I loved reading this, thanks 🙂
Lovely to meet all these wonderful mothers. Thanks for sharing all these stories
So many interesting stories with moms… a mom’s life is never boring that’s for sure… it is full of fear, love, sacrifice, pain and adventures…..
Sweet mummy moment… It’s always great to become a mum.. 🙂
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