Super-healthy, Super-nutty milkshake recipe

Want your child not miss the goodness that nuts offer? Make this easy-to-make super nutty milkshake recipe that is healthy to boot.

As a parent, have you noticed that sometimes kids take infinity to chew on the food? When it comes to harder food items like nuts, the chewing goes on and on and on.

My kids take too much time to eat nuts and sometimes just spit them out after a bit of chewing. I was wondering what I could do so that they don’t miss the goodness of nuts. One day got this idea!

So here goes my quick and tasty Nutty Milkshake recipe packed with the richness of almonds, cashew nuts and more.

Nutty Milkshake Recipe

1. Wash and dry almonds, cashew nuts, macadamia nuts and dry fruits like dates, figs, apricots, raisins. I have added a few fennel seeds for extra taste. Fennel seeds are known as anti-oxidants, anti-inflammatory herb. You also may want to add pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, chia seeds etc.

milkshake recipe

2. Add required quantity of milk and a few ice cubes [optional]

3. Mix a bit of honey for added sweetness. I avoided sugar.

4. Blend the mix till it becomes smooth and thick in texture.

milkshake recipe

milkshake recipe

5. Add some more milk and honey if needed. You can add some fruits of your choice and make it a Fruit n Nuts Milkshake too!

6. Pour it in your kid’s favorite glass / mug.

7. Done! Your super-healthy, super-nutty and not to forget super-tasty milkshake is ready to serve.

8. Kids and Adults would love it equally. No chewing and still can relish the taste of nuts and dry fruits.


Nuts and Dry fruits offer oodles of health benefits. They are full of Omega 3 Fatty Acids and Pro-biotics, Fibre and are energy boosters.

I originally wrote this article for theAsianparent – leading parenting magazine for babies, children, kids and parents. Here is a link to the original article.

Important Note: Some kids have nut allergies. Parents should follow Paed’s guidelines in this regard.


29 thoughts on “Super-healthy, Super-nutty milkshake recipe”

  1. Pingback: Why a Healthy Body Creates a Healthy Mind - RainbowDiaries - Colors of Life

  2. thank so much for sharing the recipe. i love shakes, especially healthy shakes! it helps with my healthy diet – now no need to search online for what shake to drink.

  3. That sounds like an amazing mix. I sure would love to try this since I’m a huge smoothie person. I have to admit, I’ve tried all kinds of fruits and veggies but I have never thought about adding nuts.

  4. This is definitely a great way to incorporate nuts into kids daily diet! I myself hated nuts when I was younger although I do enjoy munching on them now. Actually.. I think I’m going to go blend a nutty milkshake for myself now!

  5. For the fact that it’s mostly juice, I’m game into it. Thanks for the tips cutey!!

  6. Sure looks delicious! Kind of like a smoothie already. I would definitely love to give this a try. All the ingredients you’ve listed are definitely healthy and delicious on their own. I could only imagine how they are when combined. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Yummy Yummy. The milkshake super healthy especially add in with nut. Nut is recommend by doctor as it give a high fiber and vitamin. It suit to blend and it for the milkshake.

  8. Love fennel seeds, super good for your digestion and a natural breath freshener. Never thought of adding it into drinks, thanks for the tip!

  9. Nutty Milkshake. A good idea since my children love to eat nuts but not the milk. Hope it will encourage my children to drink instead.

  10. Yosh so sedap ! Nuttys made me nut too haha.. ?
    I want to make one nutty juice for my son juga.

    Now I know those nuts contain omega 3.

    You might wanna add Chia seeds if possible.. contains omega 3 juga.

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